
An open source advanced file manager for all Android devices - Phones, Tablets, Google TV.

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    Open Explorer – file manager for all devices! (Tablets, Phones, Google TVs,


    * Complete file system management

    * USB, SD and other external media

    * Network connectable (FTP, SFTP, SMB/Samba/Windows/Lan/WIFI)

    * Text Editor (Tabbed, Multiple Document Interface)

    * Smart Folders that scan for different types of media (Videos, Photos, Music, Downloads)

    * View Pager directory navigation (swipe right to go up a directory)

    * Superuser/Root ability to list/read system folders (no system write yet)

    * More features like offline file structure cache, more Networking capability and Disk space heat map to come.

    The source code for our build is in a branch called fdroid.



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