name | updated | stars | badges |
alfresco-community-repo Community Content Service Repository | 20 hours ago | 147 | alfrescocontent-managementdocument-management |
gerrit Gerrit Code Review - (mirror of | 21 hours ago | 984 | codereviewgerrit |
elasticsearch Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine | 21 hours ago | 71074 | elasticsearchjavasearch-engine |
OpenOLAT Learning Management System OpenOlat | 21 hours ago | 337 | assessmentcontentcurriculum-management |
openhab-core Core framework of openHAB | 21 hours ago | 930 | home-automationinternet-of-thingsiot |
openremote 100% open-source IoT Platform - Integrate your devices, create rules, and analyse and visualise your data | 21 hours ago | 1285 | asset-managementbuildingdashboard |
react-native-svg SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects. | 21 hours ago | 7557 | |
gatling-maven-plugin Gatling Plugin for Maven | 21 hours ago | 36 | automationgatlingloadtesting |
Stirling-PDF #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files | 21 hours ago | 47504 | dockerjavapdf |
tt9 A T9 keyboard for Android devices with a hardware keypad. | 21 hours ago | 261 | androidkeyboardoldschool |
thingsboard Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization. | 22 hours ago | 17860 | cloudcoapdashboard |
medTimer MedTimer Android app | 22 hours ago | 140 | androidandroid-appjava |
android 📱 Nextcloud Android app | 22 hours ago | 4347 | androidhacktoberfestjava |
Xed-Editor Advanced Text Editor for android | 22 hours ago | 408 | androidandroid-appandroid-application |
jersey Eclipse Jersey Project - Read our Wiki: | 22 hours ago | 692 | |
dbeaver Free universal database tool and SQL client | 22 hours ago | 40978 | databasedb2dbeaver |
xwiki-platform The XWiki platform | 22 hours ago | 1020 | |
solr Apache Solr open-source search software | 22 hours ago | 1269 | backendinformation-retrievaljava |
keepitup Network monitoring app for Android | 23 hours ago | 50 | |
FairEmail Fully featured, open source, privacy friendly email app for Android | 23 hours ago | 3285 | androidappemail |
plant-it 🪴 Self-hosted, open source gardening companion app | 23 hours ago | 706 | dartfluttergardening |
Kommunicate-Android-Chat-SDK Android Chatbot SDK | 24 hours ago | 75 | androidandroid-libraryandroid-sdk |
rocketmq Apache RocketMQ is a cloud native messaging and streaming platform, making it simple to build event-driven applications. | yesterday | 21384 | cloud-nativeeventinghacktoberfest |
selenide Concise UI Tests with Java! | yesterday | 1842 | |
scm-manager The easiest way to share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http. | yesterday | 137 | cloudogugithg |
qiscus-sdk-android Qiscus provide everything you need to power up your app with chats. And it's now made simple. | yesterday | 202 | androidandroid-chat-sdkandroid-library |
webdrivermanager Automated driver management and other helper features for Selenium WebDriver in Java | yesterday | 2579 | chromedriverdockergeckodriver |
killbill Open-Source Subscription Billing & Payments Platform | yesterday | 4677 | billingkillbillpayments |
CodenameOne Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web. | yesterday | 1729 | androidapp-frameworkcodename-one |
AnySoftKeyboard Android (f/w 2.1+) on screen keyboard for multiple languages. | yesterday | 2898 | androidanysoftkeyboardjava |
commafeed Google Reader inspired self-hosted personal RSS reader. | yesterday | 2843 | javarssrss-reader |
yesterday | 6 | ||
Android Catima, a Loyalty Card & Ticket Manager for Android | yesterday | 907 | androidhacktoberfestizzyondroid |
osmtracker-android GPS tracking tool for OpenStreetMap | yesterday | 504 | gpxopenstreetmaposm |
OpenQuarterMaster Open Quartermaster is an open source inventory management system, designed to be simple to use yet powerful and extendable. The last inventory management system you will ever need! | yesterday | 19 | inventory-management |
dagger A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. | yesterday | 17469 | |
snapdrop-android Android client for local file sharing via and | yesterday | 898 | androidfile-sharingpairdrop |
libgdx Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework | yesterday | 23485 | 2d3dandroid |
selenium A browser automation framework and ecosystem. | yesterday | 31012 | dotnetjavajavascript |
OpenSearch 🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine. | yesterday | 9964 | analyticsapache2foss |
guava Google core libraries for Java | yesterday | 50349 | guavajava |
rstudio RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R | yesterday | 4715 | |
Unexpected-Keyboard A lightweight virtual keyboard for developers. | yesterday | 1881 | androidkeyboard |
jsonschema2pojo Generate Java types from JSON or JSON Schema and annotate those types for data-binding with Jackson, Gson, etc | yesterday | 6255 | ant-taskgradle-plugingson |
Mindustry The automation tower defense RTS | yesterday | 22948 | androiddesktopgame |
react-native-app-auth React native bridge for AppAuth - an SDK for communicating with OAuth2 providers | yesterday | 2056 | |
connectbot ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android. | yesterday | 2535 | androidconnectbotjava |
Player ▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer | yesterday | 1853 | androidandroid-video-playerandroidx-media |
OsmAnd Description OsmAnd is an offline world map application based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), which allows you to navigate taking into account the preferred roads and vehicle dimensions. Plan routes based o | yesterday | 4748 | |
DekuSMS-Android Android SMS app ~ Featuring E2EE, Cloud Forwarding, RMQ integrations | yesterday | 381 | android-smsdouble-ratchete2ee |
playwright-java Java version of the Playwright testing and automation library | yesterday | 1172 | javaplaywright |
federation-jvm JVM support for Apollo Federation | yesterday | 257 | federationgraphqljava |
nitrite-java NoSQL embedded document store for Java | yesterday | 841 | androiddatabasedocumentdb |
clinical_quality_language Clinical Quality Language (CQL) is an HL7 specification for the expression of clinical knowledge that can be used within both the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and Clinical Quality Measurement (CQM) | yesterday | 266 | cdsclinical-dataclinical-decision-support |
PieLauncher Android home screen launcher that uses a dynamic pie menu instead of tables of icons. | yesterday | 371 | androidandroid-launcherlauncher |
cryptomator Cryptomator for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Secure client-side encryption for your cloud storage, ensuring privacy and control over your data. | yesterday | 11998 | cloud-storagecryptocryptography |
cloudwatch_exporter Metrics exporter for Amazon AWS CloudWatch | yesterday | 909 | |
druid Apache Druid: a high performance real-time analytics database. | yesterday | 13561 | druid |
DSpace (Official) The DSpace digital asset management system that powers your Institutional Repository | yesterday | 913 | dspacejavaopen-access |
jmeter-as-code Jmeter as code is the easy way to write jmeter test as code. | yesterday | 32 | codedsljava |
notes-android ✎ Android client for Nextcloud Notes app. | yesterday | 952 | androidandroid-clientjava |
fresco An Android library for managing images and the memory they use. | yesterday | 17079 | |
i2pd-android i2pd for Android | 2 days ago | 198 | androidanonymitycryptography |
CineLog A fork of KinoLog Android app with some extra functionnalities | 2 days ago | 48 | |
graphql-java-datetime GraphQL ISO Date is a set of RFC 3339 compliant date/time scalar types to be used with graphql-java. | 2 days ago | 146 | datedatetimegraphql |
tigase-server (M) Highly optimized, extremely modular and very flexible XMPP/Jabber server | 2 days ago | 326 | chatiotjabber |
broccoli Broccoli is a free recipe app that lets you build your own personal recipe collection and helps you cook in a more eco-friendly way. | 2 days ago | 77 | |
Instabug-React-Native In-app feedback and bug reporting tool for React Native | 2 days ago | 313 | bug-reporterbug-reportinginstabug |
OpenTracks OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy. | 2 days ago | 1097 | androidbluetooth-low-energygps |
samples Samples for using the graphql java kickstart projects | 2 days ago | 119 | |
js-graphql-intellij-plugin GraphQL language support for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform. | 2 days ago | 880 | apollogqlgraphql |
conjure-java-runtime Opinionated libraries for HTTP&JSON-based RPC using Dialogue, Feign, OkHttp as clients and Jetty/Jersey as servers | 2 days ago | 79 | octo-correct-managed |
shattered-pixel-dungeon Description Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a traditional roguelike dungeon crawler RPG that's simple to get into but hard to master! Every game is a unique challenge, with five different heroes, random | 2 days ago | 4849 | androidgamegame-development |
airlift Airlift framework for building REST services | 2 days ago | 589 | |
deltachat-android Email-based instant messaging for Android. | 2 days ago | 1153 | androidchatdeltachat |
ambry Distributed object store | 2 days ago | 1749 | |
schema-registry Confluent Schema Registry for Kafka | 2 days ago | 2235 | avroavro-schemaconfluent |
beam Apache Beam is a unified programming model for Batch and Streaming data processing. | 2 days ago | 7913 | batchbeambig-data |
hermes Fast and reliable message broker built on top of Kafka. | 2 days ago | 819 | hacktoberfesthermeskafka |
dgs-extended-formatters A set of DGS Directives for common formatting use-cases | 2 days ago | 7 | |
nessie Nessie: Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes with Git-like semantics | 2 days ago | 1067 | aws-lambdadatagit |
ksql The database purpose-built for stream processing applications. | 2 days ago | 136 | event-streaming-databaseinteractivekafka |
2 days ago | 376 | refactoring | |
iceberg Apache Iceberg | 2 days ago | 6649 | apachehacktoberfesticeberg |
Openfire An XMPP server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. | 2 days ago | 2878 | collaborationhacktoberfestjabber |
kestra :zap: Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow... | 2 days ago | 14740 | automationdata-orchestrationdevops |
streampipes Apache StreamPipes - A self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams. | 2 days ago | 614 | analyticsedgehacktoberfest |
Valv-Android An encrypted gallery vault for Android | 2 days ago | 140 | androidandroid-galleryencryption |
keycloak Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services | 2 days ago | 24147 | keycloakoidcsaml |
NetGuard A simple way to block access to the internet per app | 2 days ago | 2277 | |
incubator-stormcrawler A scalable, mature and versatile web crawler based on Apache Storm | 2 days ago | 895 | apache-stormcrawlerdistributed |
OpenTripPlanner An open source multi-modal trip planner | 2 days ago | 2252 | |
hudi Upserts, Deletes And Incremental Processing on Big Data. | 2 days ago | 5515 | apacheflinkapachehudiapachespark |
hazelcast-jet Distributed Stream and Batch Processing | 2 days ago | 1103 | batch-processingbig-datacdc |
droidVNC-NG VNC server app for Android that does not require root privileges. | 2 days ago | 1422 | androidmediaprojectionremote-desktop |
moquette Java MQTT lightweight broker | 2 days ago | 2322 | brokerjavamoquette |
android-money-manager-ex Manage your finances on-the-go, encrypted for security, and sync via your storage | 2 days ago | 511 | cipherencryptionfinance |
openScale Open-source weight and body metrics tracker, with support for Bluetooth scales | 2 days ago | 1741 | |
watomatic Auto reply app to enable auto reply for messengers like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger | 2 days ago | 455 | androidautomationautoreply |
Clock Privacy-conscious open-source clock, based on AOSP Clock | 2 days ago | 319 | alarmanalog-clockandroid |
zilla 🦎 A multi-protocol edge & service proxy. Seamlessly interface web apps, IoT clients, & microservices to Apache Kafka® via declaratively defined, stateless APIs. | 2 days ago | 554 | api-gatewayasyncapievent-driven-architecture |
openrouteservice 🌍 The open source route planner api with plenty of features. | 2 days ago | 1489 | directions-apiisochronesmatrix |
pulsar Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system | 2 days ago | 14336 | event-streamingmessagingpubsub |
fess Fess is very powerful and easily deployable Enterprise Search Server. | 2 days ago | 1009 | crawlerelasticsearchenterprise-search |
solrwayback A search interface and wayback machine for the UKWA Solr based warc-indexer framework. | 2 days ago | 103 | |
jwarc Java library for reading and writing WARC files with a typed API | 2 days ago | 48 | |
AppiumTestDistribution A tool for running android and iOS appium tests in parallel across devices... U like it STAR it ! | 2 days ago | 1006 | androidappiumappium-ios |
datasketches-java A software library of stochastic streaming algorithms, a.k.a. sketches. | 2 days ago | 899 | datasketches |
RxJava RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. | 2 days ago | 47958 | flowjavareactive-streams |
sonar-delphi Delphi language plugin for SonarQube | 2 days ago | 107 | code-qualitydelphipascal |
simlar-android Simlar for android | 2 days ago | 94 | androidcryptographyliblinphone |
sedona A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data | 2 days ago | 1973 | cluster-computinggeospatialjava |
DSA Learn the DSA and be Interview ready | 2 days ago | 12 | coding-challengesdata-structures-and-algorithmsdsa |
linkis Apache Linkis builds a computation middleware layer to facilitate connection, governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the underlying data engines. | 2 days ago | 3323 | application-managercontext-serviceengine |
nacos an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications. | 2 days ago | 30531 | alibabaconfigconfiguration-management |
java-slack-sdk Slack Developer Kit (including Bolt for Java) for any JVM language | 2 days ago | 581 | boltchatbotjava |
intellij-jmeter Open jmeter test plans inside intellij | 2 days ago | 5 | intellij-pluginjmeter |
mantis A platform that makes it easy for developers to build realtime, cost-effective, operations-focused applications | 2 days ago | 1420 | |
samza Mirror of Apache Samza | 2 days ago | 818 | big-datasamzascala |
secor Secor is a service implementing Kafka log persistence | 2 days ago | 1846 | kafka |
andors-trail Andor's Trail | 2 days ago | 90 | |
audiosource :microphone: Use an Android device as a USB microphone | 2 days ago | 182 | androidaudioforwarding |
graphql-java GraphQL Java implementation | 2 days ago | 6138 | graphqlgraphql-javajava |
stendhal Stendhal is a fun friendly and free multiplayer online adventure game with an old school feel. | 2 days ago | 604 | gamegame-serverjava |
TowerCollector The OpenCellID and BeaconDB contributor's app. | 2 days ago | 240 | |
TextPad Simple Text Editor for Android | 3 days ago | 120 | |
tink-java Java implementation of Tink | 3 days ago | 141 | cryptocryptographyjava |
neutrinote neutriNote - the original extensible Markdown + Math note app. Non-commerical. No lock-ins. Only 3 MB footprint & highly optimized. Designed for plaintext purists. | 3 days ago | 362 | android-appeditorjournal |
android ⚡ Fast encrypted chats for the family | 3 days ago | 144 | chatdecentralizationdeltachat |
3 days ago | 1149 | ||
checker-framework Pluggable type-checking for Java | 3 days ago | 1031 | javatypesverification |
JavaSteam Java library that provides an interface to directly interact with Valve's Steam servers. | 3 days ago | 98 | javanetworkingprotobuf |
hadoop Apache Hadoop | 3 days ago | 14832 | hadoop |
your-local-weather Weather app for Android | 3 days ago | 131 | |
trackworktime Android app to track your work time via WiFi or location and categorize each recorded intervall by a predefined client/task and a free text. | 3 days ago | 140 | androidhacktoberfestwork-tracker |
redisson Redisson - Valkey and Redis Java client. Complete Real-Time Data Platform. Sync/Async/RxJava/Reactive API. Over 50 Valkey and Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List | 3 days ago | 23463 | cachedistributeddistributed-locks |
graphql-tools Maintain the source code for GraphQL related tools. | 3 days ago | 109 | ballerina |
siyuan-android SiYuan Android APP | 3 days ago | 244 | |
ImapNotes3 Sync your notes between Android, iOs devices and different accounts like Gmail, iCloud, and others | 3 days ago | 50 | androideditorf-droid |
LabNex LabNex is an open-source Android app designed for managing GitLab projects | 3 days ago | 122 | androidappgit |
supertokens-core Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito | 3 days ago | 13435 | auth0authenticationaws-cognito |
privacy-friendly-torchlight Privacy Friendly App that "turns" the Android devices into flashlights. | 3 days ago | 26 | |
3 days ago | 425 | ||
news-android 📱🗞️ Android client for the Nextcloud news/feed reader app | 3 days ago | 699 | androidnextcloudnextcloud-app |
automq AutoMQ is a cloud-first alternative to Kafka by decoupling durability to S3 and EBS. 10x Cost-Effective. No Cross-AZ Traffic Cost. Autoscale in seconds. Single-digit ms latency. | 3 days ago | 3933 | awsazurecloud |
nextcloud-deck 📋 Android client for nextcloud deck app | 3 days ago | 508 | agileandroidboard |
neo4j Graphs for Everyone | 3 days ago | 13560 | cypherdatabasegraph |
android 🤖 Icon Pack for Android | 3 days ago | 610 | androidcustomizationdelta-icons |
TimedShutdownAndroid An app for android that will automatically shutdown your phone after a timer without needing root access. This app uses the accessiblity permission to emulate the power off gestures. | 3 days ago | 38 | accessibilityalarmmanagerandroid |
LinkDroid-for-Linkwarden Mirror repository of the LinkDroid for Linkwarden app | 3 days ago | 36 | browsinglinkwardenmirrored-repository |
OperationsCenterAPI-OAuth2-Java-Example Example Java Application for OAuth2 | 3 days ago | 2 | |
athenz Open source platform for X.509 certificate based service authentication and fine grained access control in dynamic infrastructures. Athenz supports provisioning and configuration (centralized authoriz | 3 days ago | 915 | access-tokenauthorizationcloud |
jabref Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases | 3 days ago | 3676 | academiaacademic-publicationsbiblatex |
VacationDays Know when you are free. | 4 days ago | 37 | hacktoberfestillilldays |
ToDont The reverse to-do list | 4 days ago | 146 | androidbehavioursdo |
Halma Halma Game Built With The Awesome libGDX framework | 4 days ago | 40 | boardgamegamegame-2d |
djl An Engine-Agnostic Deep Learning Framework in Java | 4 days ago | 4210 | aiautograddeep-learning |
elasticsearch-hadoop :elephant: Elasticsearch real-time search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop | 4 days ago | 1930 | |
syncthing-android-fdroid Syncthing-Fork - A Syncthing Wrapper for Android. F-Droid release channel. DO NOT USE except for builds. Refer to if you'd like to issue PR. | 4 days ago | 248 | |
aerospike-client-java Aerospike Java Client Library | 4 days ago | 237 | |
tapir A Private Terraform Registry | 4 days ago | 207 | cloudhacktoberfesthashicorp |
GradleRIO The official gradle plugin for the FIRST Robotics Competition | 4 days ago | 265 | first-robotics-competitionfrcgradlerio |
BitBanana Lightning Node Management for Android | 4 days ago | 105 | bitcoinf-droidfdroid |
android-inventory-agent GLPI Android Inventory Agent | 4 days ago | 68 | androidinventoryinventory-agent |
geoserver Official GeoServer repository | 4 days ago | 3893 | geoserverjavamapping |
TPC distraction-free pomodoro timer | 4 days ago | 9 | androidcodef-droid |
archie OpenEHR library implementing ADL 2, AOM 2, BMM, RM 1.0.4 and many tools | 4 days ago | 52 | |
privacy-friendly-dice-game Android Application to play game with five dice. | 4 days ago | 14 | |
privacy-friendly-boardgame-clock Privacy Friendly App for tracking time while playing games | 4 days ago | 7 | |
nextcloud-tables 📊 Android client for nextcloud tables app | 4 days ago | 33 | androiddatanextcloud |
Chips-n-Salsa A Java library of Customizable, Hybridizable, Iterative, Parallel, Stochastic, and Self-Adaptive Local Search Algorithms | 4 days ago | 60 | adaptivediscrete-optimizationevolutionary-computation |
wicket-crudifier wicket-crudifier is a library to easily create CRUD's with wicket | 4 days ago | 11 | crudjavawicket |
vertx-redis-client Redis client for Vert.x | 4 days ago | 131 | event-loopjavanon-blocking |
vertx-rx Reactive Extensions for Vert.x | 4 days ago | 148 | javarxjavarxjava2 |
vertx-service-discovery Some tools one can use for doing microservices with Vert.x | 4 days ago | 115 | |
vertx-web HTTP web applications for Vert.x | 4 days ago | 1112 | clientreactiveserver |
vertx-micrometer-metrics Vert.x metrics implementation for | 4 days ago | 51 | influxdbjavamicrometer |
ColorBlendr An Android app for customizing Material You colors on devices with Android 12+. It lets you tweak accent colors, background saturation, and more for a personalized look. | 4 days ago | 987 | accent-colorcolor-schemematerial |
vertx-service-proxy EventBus Proxy generation | 4 days ago | 67 | |
NewPipe A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android. | 4 days ago | 31982 | 4kandroidbandcamp |
vertx-junit5 Testing Vert.x applications with JUnit 5 | 4 days ago | 44 | |
4 days ago | 36 | asyncjavamail | |
vert.x Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM | 4 days ago | 14349 | concurrencyevent-loophigh-performance |
servicecomb-java-chassis ServiceComb Java Chassis is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Java, providing service registration, service discovery, dynamic routing, and service management | 4 days ago | 1913 | servicecomb |
vertx-mqtt Vert.x MQTT | 4 days ago | 190 | clientiotmqtt |
strimzi-kafka-bridge An HTTP bridge for Apache Kafka® | 4 days ago | 293 | bridgehacktoberfesthttp |
public-transport-enabler Unleash public transport data in your Java project. | 4 days ago | 390 | efahafasjava |
probe-android OONI Probe Android | 4 days ago | 189 | ooniprobe |
gateleen Gateleen is a RESTful middleware toolkit for building API gateways | 4 days ago | 77 | |
vertx-circuit-breaker A circuit breaker for Vert.x | 4 days ago | 63 | asynccircuitbreakerjava |
storm Apache Storm | 4 days ago | 6605 | apachedistributedstorm |
XChange XChange is a Java library providing a streamlined API for interacting with 60+ Bitcoin and Altcoin exchanges providing a consistent interface for trading and accessing market data. | 4 days ago | 3897 | bitcoin |
gpslogger :satellite: Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. | 4 days ago | 2004 | androidandroid-sdkdropbox |
core Wicketstuff-core projects are bundled user contributions for use with Apache Wicket ( They are released in step with Wicket releases to make them easy to use. | 4 days ago | 343 | apache-wicketintegrationsjava |
graphql-java-servlet Servlet endpoint for GraphQL Java | 4 days ago | 223 | graphqlgraphql-java |
Terasology Terasology - open source voxel world | 4 days ago | 3690 | gamegame-developmentgame-engine |
a-personal-stuff Android app to manage and track your own stuff | 4 days ago | 19 | androidandroid-appandroid-application |
a-medic-log A simple and easy to use personal medical notes. | 4 days ago | 11 | a-navigatora-providerandroid |
a-flash-deck A simple Flash Card application to assist in learning and remembering something. | 4 days ago | 29 | a-navigatora-providerandroid |
a-news-provider A simple RSS feed android application. | 4 days ago | 29 | a-navigatora-providerandroid |
contacts-import Android CSV Contacts Import | last year | 10 | |
stargw-fx FX Rate App for Android | last year | 9 | |
tenacity Dropwizard + Hystrix Module. | last year | 203 | |
EshotroidPlusAndroid Eshotroid is an Android application. | last year | 2 | |
last year | 0 | ||
jwat-tools JWAT Tools | last year | 5 | |
gdx-controllers A libGDX cross platform game controllers extension | last year | 72 | androidgamecontroller-frameworkgamepad |
jwat Java Web Archive Toolkit | last year | 3 | |
SlimSocial-for-Twitter Light version of Twitter. Light not only in weight but also in the use. | last year | 37 | playstoreslimsocialtwitter |
DynamicNightLight | last year | 6 | |
PolyCal colorful, text-based calendar widget for Android | last year | 11 | |
last year | 5 | ||
last year | 3 | ||
pendulums-web-client Pendulums web client | last year | 218 | |
WorldMap Android Scrolling Background Bitmap Example | last year | 1144 | |
HashDroid Official source code of Hash Droid application. | last year | 74 | |
jacop Java Constraint Programming solver | last year | 220 | |
busybox BusyBox for Android | last year | 1479 | androidbusyboxinstaller |
specie Android currency conversion app | last year | 18 | androidconversioncurrency |
atmosphere-vertx Atmosphere for Vert.x | last year | 41 | atmospherejavajersey |
crazyflie-android-client The Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter client for Android OTG or BLE enabled devices | last year | 103 | |
morpheus-core The foundational library of the Morpheus data science framework | last year | 238 | data-analysisdata-analyticsdataframe |
donkey Modern Clojure HTTP server and client built for ease of use and performance | last year | 293 | clojurehttp-clienthttp-server |
amazon-kinesis-scaling-utils The Kinesis Scaling Utility is designed to give you the ability to scale Amazon Kinesis Streams in the same way that you scale EC2 Auto Scaling groups – up or down by a count or as a percentage of the | last year | 337 | |
consul-cluster-manager Consul - based cluster manager that can be plugged into Vert.x ecosystem. | last year | 20 | cluster-managerclusteringconsul |
last year | 0 | boltgraphgremlin | |
zt-process-killer ZeroTurnaround Process Killer | last year | 128 | |
honest-profiler A sampling JVM profiler without the safepoint sample bias | last year | 1250 | |
react-native-google-pay React Native bridge for Google Pay | last year | 102 | |
calef CalEF: Create and send Appointment-Confirmation-Message from Android-Calendar-Entry. | last year | 9 | androidappointmentcalendar |
ASH-Viewer ASH Viewer provides a graphical view of active session history data within the Oracle and PostgreSQL DB | last year | 167 | data-visualizationguioracle |
malmo Project Malmo is a platform for Artificial Intelligence experimentation and research built on top of Minecraft. We aim to inspire a new generation of research into challenging new problems presented b | last year | 4111 | |
SoundRecorder A simple sound recording app implementing Material Design | last year | 1489 | |
strongbox Strongbox is an artifact repository manager. | last year | 619 | artifact-repository-managerchocolateyjava |
SerialPipe USB Serial to UDP bridge app | last year | 13 | androidserialportudp |
ROS-Mobile-Android Visualization and controlling application for Android | last year | 455 | |
petep PETEP (PEnetration TEsting Proxy) is an open-source Java application for traffic analysis & modification using TCP/UDP proxies. PETEP is a useful tool for performing penetration tests of applications | last year | 168 | ethical-hackingethical-hacking-toolshacking |
wordlesolver Wordle (Gurgle) solver with code from | last year | 14 | |
datumbox-framework Datumbox is an open-source Machine Learning framework written in Java which allows the rapid development of Machine Learning and Statistical applications. | last year | 1084 | big-datadata-sciencejava |
geonetworking ETSI ITS G5 GeoNetworking stack, in Java: CAM-DENM / ASN.1 PER / BTP / GeoNetworking | last year | 100 | asn1btpcar2x |
rcx Rclone for Android | last year | 1738 | android-appandroid-applicationfile-manager |
SeLion Enabling Test Automation in Java | last year | 281 | androidappiumframework |
ADBKeyBoard Android Virtual Keyboard Input via ADB (Useful for Test Automation) | last year | 1243 | |
scope Android Oscilloscope | last year | 146 | androidoscilloscope |
SmartGattLib SmartGattLib is a Java library that simplifies the work with Bluetooth SMART devices | last year | 280 | |
vertx-mongodb-effect Where actors meet Functional Programming | last year | 1 | functional-programmingjson-valuesmongo-values |
cidrcalculator CIDR Calculator is a simple Android based IP subnet calculator for network engineers to quickly determine what the address range is of a subnet. | last year | 21 | |
crossword Android crossword solver | last year | 34 | anagramsandroid-crossword-solvercrossword |
librerandonaut LibreRandonaut is an open-source android app to generate true random coordinates that allow users to explore their surroundings to perform the activity "randonauting" | last year | 7 | androidfatum-projectmind-machine-interaction |
gdx-controllerutils Controller Utilities for libGDX | last year | 60 | game-controllersgamepadlibgdx |
Atsumeru Free self-hosted mangas/comics/light novels media server | last year | 70 | apicomicinfocomics |
capacitor-google-fit Capacitor plugin to interact with Google Fit | last year | 22 | androidcapacitor-plugingoogle-fit |
hate HATEOAS with HAL for Java | last year | 22 | |
react-native-flurry-sdk React Native Flurry SDK | last year | 45 | |
jmeter-datadog-backend-listener Send JMeter test results to Datadog. | last year | 12 | |
wsandroid Unofficial WarmShowers app for Android | last year | 43 | |
AndroidSwipeLayout The Most Powerful Swipe Layout! | last year | 12367 | |
PermissionsDispatcher A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions. | last year | 11221 | androidjavakotlin |
Riksdagskollen Repository for development of Riksdagskollen | last year | 31 | goverment-datagovernmentpolitics |
currency Android currency conversion | last year | 86 | android-appcurrency-rates |
react-native-vlc-player VLC Player for react-native | last year | 159 | androidreact-nativevlc |
speedment Speedment is a Stream ORM Java Toolkit and Runtime | last year | 2095 | code-generatordatabasejava |
aws-codepipeline-plugin-for-jenkins Use this plugin to integrate your Jenkins project with a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline. For more information and step-by-step directions on how to install and configure this plugin, follow the Four Sta | last year | 82 | |
Pedometer Lightweight pedometer app for Android using the hardware step sensor | last year | 1437 | |
minidoro Android app for Pomodoro Technique users | last year | 30 | androidjavapomodoro |
CameraFolder When "Camera Folder" is installed many Android-Apps that can open jpg files can also take a photo from camera. | last year | 39 | androidcamerafolder |
text-io A library for creating interactive console applications in Java | last year | 343 | consoletext-based |
really-executable-jars-maven-plugin maven plugin for making chmod +x jar files | last year | 125 | |
protostuff Java serialization library, proto compiler, code generator | last year | 2055 | graphjavajson |
React :pushpin: ANDROID APP for testing the reaction time | last year | 7 | androidbenchmarkreact |
PinDroid Pinboard Bookmarks for Android | last year | 299 | |
Bummerlzaehler Fetziger Bummerlzähler für jeden der nicht überall einen Zettl hat | last year | 5 | |
jmapper-core Elegance, high performance and robustness all in one java bean mapper | last year | 231 | annotationsapibytecode |
jfr-flame-graph Get Method Sampling from Java Flight Recorder Dump and convert to FlameGraph compatible format. | last year | 264 | flamegraphjavajava-flight-recordings |
buck A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages. | last year | 8562 | androidbuckbuild-tool |
United4 The official danger/u/ app, replacing Eren Black's MIT App Inventor version | last year | 33 | |
LocationMapViewer Android App to view Locations in a map with support for gpx, kml and kmz data | last year | 38 | androidandroid-appgeo-uri |
yubiclip-xor Fork of Yubiclip for Static Passwords over NFC. Encrypt your static password to secure it from Drive-by reading attacks. | last year | 9 | fdroidhacktoberfestmfa |
WairToNow yet another aviation moving map app for android - includes georef'd airport diagrams and approach plates and openstreetmap access | last year | 5 | |
TDengineORM TDengine涛思时序数据库ORM框架 | last year | 4 | |
imgscalr Simple Java image-scaling library implementing Chris Campbell's incremental scaling algorithm as well as Java2D's "best-practices" image-scaling techniques. | last year | 1227 | |
AchieApp Achie Android application | last year | 2 | |
otp-java A small and easy-to-use one-time password generator library for Java implementing RFC 4226 (HOTP) and RFC 6238 (TOTP). | last year | 189 | 2fahotpjava |
View-android-version Simple app to view android version information | last year | 17 | androidkotlin |
useful-java-links A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples | last year | 5852 | awesomeawesome-listjava-api |
music_player_lite An elegant and lightweight music player for android | last year | 119 | androidandroid-appandroid-audio-player |
Hystrix Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distr | last year | 24164 | |
stingle-photos-android Stingle Photos is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted media gallery application that provides backup, sharing and cross-platform sync functionality without sacrificing convenience. | last year | 319 | stingle-photos |
TU-Darmstadt-Moodle-Wrapper Android app to open Moodle links of the TU Darmstadt Moodle in the official Moodle app | last year | 0 | |
postman2jmx Postman collection to Jmeter jmx file converter | last year | 174 | |
WebSDR The WebSDR client for Android | last year | 5 | |
UnifiedNlp Alternative network location provider for Android, with plugin interface to easily integrate third-party location providers. | last year | 983 | androidandroid-appgeolocation |
i-pascal A free Object Pascal language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA | last year | 111 | astcompletiondelphi |
capacitor-plugin-dynamsoft-barcode-reader capacitor-plugin-dynamsoft-barcode-reader | last year | 10 | barcodecapacitorqrcode |
dungeon-crawl-android Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup for Android (console version) | last year | 41 | |
ReLaunchX Filemanager / launcher for Onyx Boox Max (Nook Simple Touch, etc.) | last year | 125 | |
last year | 15 | androidboard-gameopen-source | |
openlauncher Customizable and Open Source Launcher for Android | last year | 1429 | androidappcustomization |
kolabnotes-android Note taking app with integrated Kolab sync | last year | 68 | |
aws-codepipeline-custom-job-worker Use this sample to help you develop your own job worker when creating a custom action for AWS CodePipeline. For more information, see Create a Custom Action for a Pipeline. | last year | 32 | |
MutabilityDetector Lightweight analysis tool for detecting mutability in Java classes | last year | 240 | |
Slidr Easily add slide to dismiss functionality to an Activity | last year | 2675 | androidjavalibrary |
NoiseCapture Android App dedicated to the measurement of environmental noise. | last year | 97 | androidcollaborative-sciencemeasurements |
databus Source-agnostic distributed change data capture system | last year | 3643 | |
cp-ddd-framework 轻量级DDD正向/逆向业务建模框架,支撑复杂业务系统的架构演化! | last year | 1127 | architectureclean-architectureddd |
xmlbeam Java XML library. A really cool one. Obviously. | last year | 73 | |
Android-Cookbook-Examples Contributed code examples from O'Reilly Android Cookbook. See #user-content-table README below! | last year | 1014 | androidbasicscompat |
jmeter-plugins-for-apache-dubbo Dubbo Plugin for Apache JMeter, It is a plug-in developed for testing Dubbo in Jmeter. | last year | 568 | dubbojmeterjmeter-plugin |
tictactoe This game plays perfect Tic-Tac-Toe as the second player using the brute-force minimax. | last year | 12 | |
Railcraft The Railcraft Mod for Minecraft, source and development. | last year | 510 | gamegradlejava |
keywhiz A system for distributing and managing secrets | last year | 2620 | cryptoenterprise-softwarekeywhiz |
DocBleach :shower: Sanitising your documents, one threat at a time. — Content Disarm & Reconstruction Software | last year | 148 | content-disarm-reconstructjavaoffice |
RoboZZle-Droid Android port of RoboZZle game | last year | 15 | hacktoberfest |
Acastus A completely free and open source Address and POI lookup application for android. | last year | 42 | androidfree-softwaregeocoding |
gtfs-realtime-validator Java-based tool that validates General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)-realtime feeds. See for the latest! | last year | 92 | gtfsgtfs-realtimegtfs-realtime-data |
react-native-call-detection react-native package to detect call states | last year | 191 | react-native |
kalium Java binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library with the awesomeness of libsodium | last year | 208 | cryptographyjavajava-bindings |
android-tips-tricks :ballot_box_with_check: [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development | last year | 4734 | adbandroidandroid-developers |
Anki-Occlusion Image Occlusion for AnkiDroid | last year | 46 | anki-occlusionankidroidankidroid-addon |
kanjirecog Android app that recognises Japanese kanji drawn by the user | last year | 10 | |
aws-sdk Using vertx-client for AWS SDK v2 | last year | 49 | aws-sdkjavanetty |
IDDD_Samples These are the sample Bounded Contexts from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon: | last year | 3791 | |
PortAuthority A handy systems and security-focused tool, Port Authority is a very fast Android port scanner. Port Authority also allows you to quickly discover hosts on your network and will display useful network | last year | 360 | androiddns-lookupjava |
react-native-floating-bubble A simple Facebook Chat Head like bubble for react native | last year | 212 | |
mercury Simple Android app that sends pre-configured commands to remote servers via SSH. | last year | 115 | androidandroid-appjava |
akvo-rsr-up A mobile application for browsing projects, viewing and creating new updates in Akvo RSR. | last year | 3 | androidjavarsr |
last year | 10 | ||
RacketGhost Android Open Source Ghosting Coach for Squash, Badminton and Racketlon | last year | 6 | androidappbadminton |
TextSelectionWebSearch Add web search to text selection toolbar on Android | last year | 86 | androidandroid-applicationsearch |
Erdos Modular and modern graph-theory algorithms framework in Java | last year | 126 | algorithmsbfsdfs-algorithm |
streamline StreamLine - Streaming Analytics | last year | 165 | flinkkafkakafka-streams |
WhatsappWebToGo [android] WhatsApp Web client for your phone/tablet with media support | last year | 268 | androidwhatsappwhatsapp-web |
last year | 1 | ||
Battery-Indicator-Pro BatteryBot Battery Indicator for Android | last year | 112 | |
RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider Android library providing simple way to control divider items (ItemDecoration) of RecyclerView | last year | 2395 | |
kreuung-ching This is a program to help practice and perform Thai music. | last year | 0 | |
ChineseTtsTflite Android Chinese TTS Engine Base On Tensorflow TTS , use for TfLite Models Test。安卓离线中文TTS引擎,在TensorflowTTS基础上开发,用于TfLite模型测试。 | last year | 321 | androidtensorflowtflite |
last year | 54 | ||
zandy Zotero on Android | last year | 148 | androidresearchzotero |
android-advancedrecyclerview RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting) | last year | 5321 | androiddrag-and-dropexpandable |
keepassdroid KeePass implementation for android | last year | 1380 | |
zeus-iot Zeus IoT is the world's first open source Internet of Things distributed collection platform based on Zabbix, with the ability to collect, analyze, and store data from millions of IoT devices. | last year | 818 | grafanaiotiot-platform |
shoppinglist OI Shopping List | last year | 64 | |
google-play-crawler Play with Google Play API :) | last year | 562 | |
opentracing-toolbox Best-of-breed OpenTracing utilities, instrumentations and extensions | last year | 180 | httphttp-headersjava |
react-native-twilio-programmable-voice React Native wrapper for Twilio Programmable Voice SDK | last year | 182 | react-nativetwiliotwilio-voice |
Clover Clover - imageboard browser for Android (moved from Floens/Clover) | last year | 788 | 4chanandroidimageboard-browser |
java8-tutorial Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 | last year | 16720 | guidejavajava-8 |
share-my-number Share your contact information with ease | last year | 26 | androidapp |
audiometry Android hearing test application | last year | 41 | androidaudiogramhearing |
RxJava-Android-Samples Learning RxJava for Android by example | last year | 7546 | concurrencyexamplejava |
UnitConverterUltimate A simple, lightweight unit converter for Android | last year | 226 | |
Chronicle-Network A High Performance Network ( TCP/IP ) Library | last year | 245 | chroniclechronicle-networkjava |
gtfs-osm-sync Synchronizes public transportation data in GTFS format with | last year | 91 | busgtfsgtfs-dataset |
ARChon-Packager ARChon Packager (formerly Chrome APK Packager) is a convenient way to produce Chrome ARChon Custom Android Runtime packages directly from your phone. | last year | 83 | |
jmeter-prometheus-plugin A Prometheus Listener for Apache JMeter that exposes results in an http API | last year | 170 | jmeterjmeter-pluginjmeter-plugins |
Icicle Icicle For Freenet | last year | 10 | |
ColourClock Clock application for Android using colour to tell time | last year | 4 | |
easypermissions Simplify Android M system permissions | last year | 9876 | androidandroid-librarypermissions |
holokenmod Fork of holoken | last year | 17 | |
WLANScanner WLANScanner is an Android App for analysing the WiFi networks in range. | last year | 86 | android-appwlan-scanner |
AnyChart-Android AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types. | last year | 2319 | androidandroid-chartandroid-charting |
Light-Android-Launcher Minimalistic, super lightweight app launcher with a low memory usage and small install size. | last year | 101 | androidepaperjava |
Simple-Accounting Android app that helps you balance | last year | 22 | androidbalance |
Lunary-Ethereum-Wallet A beautiful, secure and native Ethereum Wallet for Android | last year | 3 | |
hawtjni A JNI code generator based on the JNI generator used by the eclipse SWT project | last year | 166 | |
nanohttpd Tiny, easily embeddable HTTP server in Java. | last year | 6946 | |
androidsoft-coloring Coloring for Kids | last year | 31 | |
coloring-book open-source Android coloring book app for kids of age 2 and older | last year | 34 | |
gradle-retrolambda A gradle plugin for getting java lambda support in java 6, 7 and android | last year | 5298 | |
voldemort An open source clone of Amazon's Dynamo. | last year | 2642 | |
ble-test-peripheral-android A BLE Peripheral Simulator App | last year | 387 | |
ClearClipboard Clear the clipboard on android devices with just one tap | last year | 27 | androidclipboardclipboard-clear |
KeikaiLauncher A lightweight android launcher | last year | 50 | |
LocationShare A simple Android application to share your location | last year | 86 | androidandroid-applicationgps |
OSRSHelper OSRSHelper | last year | 19 | |
photo-viewer A photo picture viewer for React Native | last year | 269 | |
android-ttl-manager Change your ttl on android | last year | 23 | androideditorfdroid |
peanutEncryption peanut Encryption to encrypt passwords/codes on Android | last year | 3 | |
Leaf Distributed ID Generate Service | last year | 6450 | distributed-id-generatorleaf |
aws-sdk-android-samples This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of the AWS SDK for Android, you can get the SDK source on Github | last year | 1034 | androidawsjava |
last year | 1008 | ||
open-chaos-chess Open Chaos Chess is a free and open source version of Chaos Chess, stripped of Google Play Services. | last year | 49 | |
last year | 2 | ||
last year | 384 | ||
node-android Run Node.js on Android by rewrite Node.js in Java | last year | 623 | andriodhttppjava |
mph-table Immutable key/value store with efficient space utilization and fast reads. They are ideal for the use-case of tables built by batch processes and shipped to multiple servers. | last year | 97 | |
JUnitReportKpiJMeterReportCsv This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on a JMeter Report CSV file and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and Html, JSON or CSV format. | last year | 0 | cicdjmeterjmeter-plugin |
JUnitReportKpiCompareJMeterReportCsv Compare 2 load tests. This tool create a JUnit XML file with KPI rules and compare 2 JMeter CSV Report (current and reference) result in html, csv and json formats | last year | 1 | cicdcsv-comparisonjmeter |
JUnitReportKpiJMeterDashboardStats This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on a JMeter Dashboard Statistics Json file and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and others Html, JSON or CSV formats. | last year | 2 | cicdjmeterjmeter-plugin |
cogcomp-nlp CogComp's Natural Language Processing Libraries and Demos: Modules include lemmatizer, ner, pos, prep-srl, quantifier, question type, relation-extraction, similarity, temporal normalizer, tokenizer, t | last year | 470 | big-datacogcompdata-mining |
dropwizard-jaxws Dropwizard bundle that enables building SOAP web services and clients using JAX-WS API | last year | 43 | |
sqlline Shell for issuing SQL to relational databases via JDBC | last year | 626 | |
library A comprehensive Domain-Driven Design example with problem space strategic analysis and various tactical patterns. | last year | 4908 | aggregateaggregate-rootarchunit |
cukes Cucumber DSL for testing RESTful Web Services | last year | 112 | api-testingcucumbercucumber-jvm |
cassandra-kerberos GSS-API authenticator plugin for Apache Cassandra | last year | 5 | authauthenticationcassandra |
AutoNotify Relay notifications of any apps to Android Auto | last year | 6 | |
quick-dice-roller The flexible, complete and handy Android dice roller for boardgame & RPG geeks. | last year | 18 | android-appandroid-applicationdice |
fast-serialization FST: fast java serialization drop in-replacement | last year | 1587 | fasterjavajson |
sidekick Sidekick is no longer in service | last year | 1623 | debuggingdebugging-toolslogging |