name | updated | stars | badges |
Wormholy iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙♂️ | 4 hours ago | 2356 | alamofirecharlesdebugger |
AdaptySDK-iOS iOS SDK for growing mobile in-app purchases | 4 hours ago | 378 | appleentitlementsiap |
route-composer Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replace | 5 hours ago | 903 | controllers-compositioncoordinatorcoordinator-pattern |
swift-package-manager The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language | 7 hours ago | 9762 | |
playbook-ios 📘A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically taking snapshots of them. | 10 hours ago | 1190 | a11yaccessibilityios |
MotionMachine A powerful, elegant, and modular animation library for Swift. | 11 hours ago | 386 | animationinterpolationmotion |
tuist Tuist's CLI | 11 hours ago | 4649 | hacktoberfestiosobjective-c |
Chat A SwiftUI Chat UI framework with fully customizable message cells and a built-in media picker | 12 hours ago | 976 | chatiosswift |
NetNewsWire RSS reader for macOS and iOS. | 14 hours ago | 8458 | feed-readerjson-feedmacos |
stripe-ios Stripe iOS SDK | 14 hours ago | 2132 | stripestripe-sdk |
locheck Validate iOS, Android, and Mac localizations. Find errors in .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files. | 18 hours ago | 98 | androidiosswift |
FeedKit An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift | 20 hours ago | 1188 | atomatom-feed-parseratom-reader |
Pulley A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI. | 20 hours ago | 2023 | applemapscocopodsdrawer |
facebook-ios-sdk Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps. | yesterday | 7802 | |
XcodeProj 📝 Read, update and write your Xcode projects | yesterday | 2037 | iosmacosobjective-c |
react-native-video A <Video /> component for react-native | yesterday | 7233 | |
ZMarkupParser ZMarkupParser is a pure-Swift library that helps you convert HTML strings into NSAttributedString with customized styles and tags. | yesterday | 318 | cocoapodshtmlhtml-converter |
algoliasearch-client-swift ⚡️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast Swift API client to interact with Algolia. | yesterday | 205 | algoliaiossearch |
atlantis Capture HTTP/HTTPS, and Websocket from iOS app without proxy. | yesterday | 1284 | https-trafficiosmaninthemiddle |
SwiftQueue Job Scheduler for IOS with Concurrent run, failure/retry, persistence, repeat, delay and more | 2 days ago | 411 | constraintsdelayjob |
DebugSwift A toolkit to make debugging iOS applications easier 🚀 | 2 days ago | 500 | analysisanalyticscocoapods |
swift-composable-architecture A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind. | 2 days ago | 12608 | architecturecompositionmodularity |
PhoneNumberKit A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber. | 2 days ago | 5163 | contactsformattinggoogle-libphonenumber |
Glide Game engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS, with practical examples and tutorials | 2 days ago | 494 | 2d-game-engineapplegame-development |
SwiftFormat A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code | 2 days ago | 7974 | |
JOSESwift A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift. | 3 days ago | 203 | encryptioniosjose |
MongoKitten Native MongoDB driver for Swift, written in Swift | 3 days ago | 721 | databasemongodbmongodb-driver |
SwiftLint A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions. | 3 days ago | 18703 | code-qualityhacktoberfestlinter |
HaishinKit.swift Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP and SRT for iOS, macOS, tvOS and visionOS. | 3 days ago | 2790 | cameraiosmacos |
Kingfisher A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web. | 3 days ago | 23426 | cachefiltersimage |
CryptoSwift CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift | 4 days ago | 10202 | aesaes-gcmcipher |
Valet Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, watchOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise. | 4 days ago | 4017 | cryptoface-idios |
swift-corelibs-xctest The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support | 4 days ago | 1153 | |
BigInt Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift | 5 days ago | 765 | |
TipJarViewController Easy, drop-in tip jar for iOS apps. | 5 days ago | 78 | iosswifttipping |
SuperLayout SuperLayout is a Swift library that makes using Auto Layout a breeze. | 5 days ago | 52 | apache2auto-layoutios |
vapor 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework. | 6 days ago | 24628 | frameworkhttphttp2 |
Amethyst Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad. | 7 days ago | 14861 | macmacoswindow-manager |
eqMac macOS System-wide Audio Equalizer & Volume Mixer 🎧 | 7 days ago | 5737 | angularaudioaudio-applications |
Pearcleaner A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner | 7 days ago | 3716 | |
MarkEdit Just like TextEdit on Mac but dedicated to Markdown. | 7 days ago | 1198 | codemirrorcodemirror6editor |
aural-player An audio player for macOS, inspired by Winamp. | 7 days ago | 922 | audioaudio-playeravaudioengine |
onebusaway-ios OneBusAway for iOS, written in Swift. | 7 days ago | 93 | appapplehacktoberfest |
PDF-Archiver Description Organize your documents digitally. Just scan and tag them with the PDF Archiver.THE FEATURES⢠100% OpenSource (⢠Intelligent Textrecognition⢠Text processi | 7 days ago | 306 | archivearchivingarchivist |
CotEditor Description CotEditor is a light-weight, neat, yet powerful text editor designed for editing plain-text files such as web pages (HTML, CSS), program source codes (Python, Ruby, Perl, etc.), structu | 7 days ago | 6480 | cocoacoteditoreditor |
UTM Description UTM lets you run Windows® 10, Windows® 11, Ubuntu®, or macOS(*) fully virtualized with maximum performance. Run Windows® 7, Windows® XP, and other older operating system emulated w | 7 days ago | 27197 | appleemulationios |
pika An open-source colour picker app for macOS | 7 days ago | 1808 | appmacosswift |
stats macOS system monitor in your menu bar | 7 days ago | 26165 | batterybluetoothclock |
mobile-buy-sdk-ios Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app. With a few lines of code, you can connect your app with the Shopify platform and let your users buy your prod | 7 days ago | 453 | |
TinyPNG4Mac TinyPNG client for Mac | 7 days ago | 3524 | image-compressiontinypngtinypng4mac |
alt-tab-macos Windows alt-tab on macOS | 7 days ago | 11117 | alt-tabalttabexpose |
Brightroom 📷 A composable image editor using Core Image and Metal. | 7 days ago | 3361 | coreimageeditorgpu |
kiwix-apple Kiwix for iOS & macOS | 8 days ago | 503 | ioskiwixmacos |
Chime An editor for macOS | 8 days ago | 315 | extensionkitmacosswift |
mobile-sdk-ios Crowdin iOS SDK delivers all new translations from Crowdin project to the application immediately | 8 days ago | 117 | content-deliveryhacktoberfestios |
KeyboardCowboy :keyboard: The missing keyboard shortcut utility for macOS | 8 days ago | 798 | macosmacos-appmacos-application |
fsnotes Description Remarkably fast plain text notes!FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. App respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone | 8 days ago | 6513 | iosmacosnote-taking |
ThunderTable A declarative wrapper approach to UITableView | 8 days ago | 21 | declarative-uiswifttable |
swift-verge 🟣 A robust Swift state-management framework designed for complex applications, featuring an integrated ORM for efficient data handling. | 8 days ago | 655 | data-drivendispatcherflux |
AMSMB2 Swift framework to connect SMB2/3 shares | 8 days ago | 262 | iossmbsmb2 |
SwiftyBeaver Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 4 & 5 | 8 days ago | 5942 | apple-tvioslogging |
FlowVision Waterfall-style image viewer for macOS, offering a smooth and immersive browsing experience. | 8 days ago | 557 | |
open-meteo Free Weather Forecast API for non-commercial use | 8 days ago | 2692 | weatherweather-apiweather-forecast |
notenik-swift Description Notenik is a simple yet powerful and flexible system for taking, collecting, organizing and publishing Notes. Each Note is stored in its own plain text file. A folder full of Notes beco | 9 days ago | 98 | |
iina Description Xcode offers all the tools you need to craft great apps for iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, and Mac. It enables a unified workflow that spans from the earliest st | 9 days ago | 38414 | hacktoberfestmacosmpv |
Paparazzo Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities | 9 days ago | 779 | cameragalleryhacktoberfest |
MessageKit Description Over 600,000 college students use Coursicle to stay on top of their classes and homework.Mission (not profit) driven. We care about reducing wealth disparity and improving student menta | 9 days ago | 6041 | chathacktoberfestios |
Inject Hot Reloading for Swift applications! | 9 days ago | 2361 | hot-reloadiosswift |
QuickRecorder A lightweight screen recorder based on ScreenCapture Kit for macOS / 基于 ScreenCapture Kit 的轻量化多功能 macOS 录屏工具 | 9 days ago | 4497 | |
Alamofire Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift | 9 days ago | 41313 | alamofirecarthagecertificate-pinning |
Maccy Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS | 9 days ago | 13112 | clipboard-managermaccymacos |
MarkersExtractor Extract Markers from Final Cut Pro FCPXML | 9 days ago | 38 | airtableclicsv |
DBNetworkStack DBNetworkStack is a network abstraction for fetching request and mapping them to model objects | 9 days ago | 35 | |
instantsearch-ios ⚡️ A library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search applications on iOS. | 9 days ago | 598 | algoliacustom-widgetsfaceted-search |
DataSources 💾 🔜📱 Type-safe data-driven CollectionView, TableView Framework. (We can also use ASCollectionNode) | 9 days ago | 570 | collectionviewdata-drivendatasource |
CSV.swift CSV reading and writing library written in Swift. | 10 days ago | 671 | csvswift |
SwiftBoost Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process. | 10 days ago | 203 | awesomeawesome-swiftextensions |
Defaults 💾 Swifty and modern UserDefaults | 10 days ago | 2081 | iosmacosnsuserdefaults |
Midjourney Midjourney Showcase - 4.2M+ images | 10 days ago | 3295 | dalle2free-midjourneymidjourney |
couchdb-vapor CouchDB client in Swift | 10 days ago | 14 | |
ViewInspector Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views | 10 days ago | 2209 | best-practicesruntime-typecheckingswift |
Telephone SIP softphone for Mac | 11 days ago | 1088 | mac-appphone-callssip |
PromiseKit Promises for Swift & ObjC. | 11 days ago | 14236 | objcpromisesswift |
linearmouse The mouse and trackpad utility for Mac. | 12 days ago | 3959 | accelerationcursormac |
pareto-mac Automatically audit your Mac for basic security hygiene. | 12 days ago | 328 | endpoint-securitymacossecurity |
RClick ç®ä» RClick æ¯ä¸æ¬¾å°å·§å®ç¨çå³é®èåæå±å·¥å ·ï¼ä¸°å¯å³é®èåçåè½ï¼æé«æçï¼RClick æ¯ä¸æ¬¾å°å·§å®ç¨çå³é®èåæå±å·¥å ·ï¼ä¸»è¦åè½ï¼1. æ·»å App ç | 12 days ago | 118 | finder-extensionfinder-syncmacos |
ReactiveKit A Swift Reactive Programming Kit | 12 days ago | 1238 | |
Rugby 🏈 Cache CocoaPods for faster rebuild and indexing Xcode project. | 13 days ago | 689 | cache-cocoapodscache-podscocoapods |
mas Description Xcode offers all the tools you need to craft great apps for iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, and Mac. It enables a unified workflow that spans from the earliest st | 13 days ago | 10953 | homebrewmac-app-storemacos |
redis-pro redis-pro redis 桌面管理工具 | 13 days ago | 651 | clientmacosredis |
Sourcery Description Do you hate writing same code over and over again? Mocks, Codable for enums, TCA / GRDB and other patterns?Now you don't need to, it's just a shortcut away.Sourcery Pro extends Xcode wi | 13 days ago | 7695 | code-generationcodegencodegenerator |
Gifski Description Convert videos to high-quality GIFs.Gifski converts videos to animated GIFs that use thousands of colors per frame. This is made possible by some fancy features for efficient cross-fram | 13 days ago | 7813 | appconvert-videosconverter |
AlDente-Charge-Limiter Menubar Tool to set Charge Limits and Prolong Battery Lifespan | 13 days ago | 8013 | |
monkeytype-box ⌨️ Update a pinned gist with Monkeytype Personal Bests | 14 days ago | 0 | pinned-gistswiftxcode |
ProfileCreator macOS app to create standard or customized configuration profiles. | 14 days ago | 1305 | |
apollo-ios 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift. | 14 days ago | 3891 | apollo-iosapollographqlgraphql |
Cuckoo Boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift! | 14 days ago | 1672 | cocoapodscuckoomatcher |
SwifterSwift A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity. | 14 days ago | 14128 | awesomecarthagecocoapods |
ColorSet ColorSet is a macOS utility and framework allowing developers to manage custom interface colors with ease. | 14 days ago | 216 | |
objectbox-swift Swift database - fast, simple and lightweight (iOS, macOS) | 14 days ago | 470 | databaseedgeembedded |
Rectangle Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas | 14 days ago | 26036 | |
Cork A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI | 15 days ago | 2350 | homebrewhomebrew-caskmacos |
GoMap Description Go Map!! lets you create and edit information in OpenStreetMap, the free crowd-sourced map of your neighborhood and the world. Add shops and restaurants, streets, cycling and hiking pat | 15 days ago | 329 | editoriosmacos |
FlexLayout FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax. | 15 days ago | 2015 | css-flexboxflex-containerflex-items |
substrate-sdk-ios Native iOS SDK for developing client apps for Substrate-based networks | 15 days ago | 22 | blockchainioskusama |
swift-secp256k1 Elliptic Curve, Schnorr, and ZKP for Bitcoin. Supports iOS macOS tvOS watchOS visionOS + Linux. | 15 days ago | 111 | bitcoincecdh |
MeetingBar Description Meetings at your fingertips! MeetingBar shows your calendar events in the status bar. Create and join meetings in one click.PowerfulMeetingBar shows your events list & details in the st | 15 days ago | 4540 | applecalendargoogle-calendar |
ApphudSDK Build, Measure and Grow iOS subscription business | 15 days ago | 208 | apphudiapiap-verification |
MarkerData The avant-garde Marker extraction application crafted for Final Cut Pro | 15 days ago | 40 | airtablecolour-palettecsv |
DefaultsKit Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS | 16 days ago | 1432 | iosmacosswift |
awesome-ios A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects | 16 days ago | 47466 | apple-swiftarkitawesome |
CodeEdit 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever. | 16 days ago | 21184 | appappkitapple |
Popups Popups, popovers, sheets, alerts, toasts, banners, (...) presentation made simple. Written with and for SwiftUI. | 16 days ago | 1391 | alertcocoapodsios |
PermissionsKit Description Unleash your creativity and take control of your plans with Craft, a powerful app that transforms how you write, organize, and get things done. Create stunning documents, manage tasks, | 16 days ago | 5668 | calendarcameradialog |
TRON Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire | 16 days ago | 542 | abstractionalamofireclient |
AudioKit Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS | 17 days ago | 10742 | audioaudiokitios |
Nuke Image loading system | 17 days ago | 8181 | cachegifimage |
DatWeatherDoe Simple menu bar weather app for macOS | 17 days ago | 526 | dark-themefrench-translationmacos |
corelocationcli Command line program to print location information from CoreLocation | 19 days ago | 217 | applicationcorelocationgps |
Xit Mac OS X Git GUI | 20 days ago | 1093 | cocoagitgraphical |
Loop Window management made elegant. | 20 days ago | 7115 | hacktoberfestmacosmacos-app |
react-native-camera-kit A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library for React Native apps. | 20 days ago | 2492 | androidcameraios |
R.swift Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects | 20 days ago | 9508 | autocompletioncode-generatorios |
SwiftyJSON The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift. | 20 days ago | 22695 | carthagecocoapodsjson |
RxSwift Reactive Programming in Swift | 20 days ago | 24408 | functionaliosobserver |
GRDB.swift A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development | 21 days ago | 6972 | databasedatabase-observationgrdb |
Lunar Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external monitors | 21 days ago | 4719 | adaptive-brightnessbrightnessbrightness-control |
Stevia :leaves: Concise Autolayout code | 22 days ago | 3382 | autoautolayoutcarthage |
ReactiveSwift Streams of values over time | 22 days ago | 3008 | reactive-programmingreactive-streamsreactiveswift |
CloudCore Robust CoreData-CloudKit synchronization: offline editing, relationships, private, shared and public databases, field-level deltas, encrypted values, cacheable assets, and more. | 23 days ago | 157 | cloudkitcoredataios |
PersistenceKit Store and retrieve Codable objects to various persistence layers, in a couple lines of code! | 23 days ago | 155 | filemanagerioskeychain |
XcodesApp The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click. | 23 days ago | 7074 | combinehacktoberfestmacos |
TPPDF Description Automatically record your working sessions thanks to geolocation. Improve life-work balance with comprehensive work reports, break suggestions, and target achievements. Of course, inclu | 23 days ago | 748 | buildercocoapodsgenerator |
Whisky A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI | 25 days ago | 12841 | gamegame-porting-toolkitmac |
Aerial Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac | 25 days ago | 20789 | |
Guise An elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift | 25 days ago | 59 | dependency-injectiondependency-resolutionservice-locator |
vimr VimR — Neovim GUI for macOS in Swift | 25 days ago | 6683 | cocoamacosneovim |
Nimble A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C | 26 days ago | 4812 | asynchronous-expectationsbddfailure-messages |
Quick The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework. | 26 days ago | 9798 | bddcarthagecocoapods |
SFSafeSymbols Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing | 26 days ago | 1724 | iconsiossfsymbols |
Shark Swift CLI for strong-typing images, colors, storyboards, fonts and localizations | 26 days ago | 381 | |
ReactiveLocation ReactiveCocoa wrapper for CLLocationManager. | 27 days ago | 24 | iosswift |
Basic-Car-Maintenance A basic app to track your car's maintenance. Open source for Hacktoberfest 2024. Beginners are welcome! | 28 days ago | 242 | contributions-welcomefirebasefirestore |
KeyHolder Record shortcuts in macOS, like | 29 days ago | 392 | alfredclipymacos |
PlayCover Community fork of PlayCover | 29 days ago | 8691 | |
AuroraEditor Aurora Editor is a IDE built by the community, for the community, and written in Swift for the best native performance and feel for macOS. | 29 days ago | 1161 | aeideauroraaurora-editor |
IQKeyboardManager Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more. | 29 days ago | 16483 | iqkeyboardmanagerkeyboardobjective-c |
xcodes The best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode. | 30 days ago | 3858 | hacktoberfestmacosswift |
simplenote-macos Simplenote for macOS | last month | 1486 | |
VaporSecurityHeaders Harden Your Security Headers For Vapor | last month | 149 | brokenhandssecurityserver-side-swift |
CalendarKit 📅 Calendar for Apple platforms in Swift | last month | 2544 | calendarcalendarkitcatalyst |
OnlySwitch ⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts | last month | 4142 | audioplayerclamshellcomposable-architecture |
StepProgressView Step-by-step progress view with labels and shapes. A good replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView. | last month | 379 | progressswifttimeline |
SelectionList Simple single-selection or multiple-selection checklist, based on UITableView | last month | 123 | checkboxchecklistradio-buttons |
MultiToggleButton Multiple state tap-to-toggle UIButton (like old camera flash button) | last month | 83 | swifttoggleuibutton |
MultiSelectSegmentedControl UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images. | last month | 300 | selected-segmentsselectionuisegmentedcontrol |
MockImagePicker Mock UIImagePickerController for testing camera based UI in simulator | last month | 23 | cameraios-simulatormock |
CameraBackground Show camera layer as a background to any UIView | last month | 64 | cameraswiftuiview |
BatteryView Simple battery shaped UIView | last month | 52 | batteryswift |
swiftui-navigation-transitions Pure SwiftUI Navigation transitions ✨ | last month | 849 | animationnativenavigation |
MapleBacon 🍁🥓 Lightweight and fast Swift library for image downloading, caching and transformations | last month | 341 | cachingcarthagecocoapods |
privacyflash-pro Generate a privacy policy for your iOS app quickly and automatically | last month | 154 | ccpacode-analysisios-swift |
CoreStore Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift | last month | 4013 | carthagecocoapodscore-data |
SwiftShift Sweet window management for macOS | last month | 273 | accessibilityappappstore |
beagle-im Opis BeagleIM is a lightweight and powerful XMPP client developed by Tigase, Inc. It provides an easy way to start using the XMPP Protocol (formerly known as Jabber) if you've never used it before. | last month | 184 | appappleapplication |
PopupView Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI | last month | 3509 | popupswiftuiswiftui-components |
Stefan A guy that helps you manage collections and placeholders in easy way. | last month | 47 | errorplaceholderstates |
CountryPicker A simple, customizable Country picker for picking country or dialing code. 🇮🇳 🇯🇵 🇰🇷 🇩🇪 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇷🇺 🇬🇧 | last month | 298 | carthagecocoapodscountry-flags |
InputBarAccessoryView A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments | last month | 1175 | inputswiftuicomponent |
Ice Powerful menu bar manager for macOS | last month | 14305 | macosmacos-appmenu-bar |
ShadowsocksX-NG Next Generation of ShadowsocksX | last month | 32479 | kcptunmacosshadowsocks |
AsyncGraphics Edit images and video with Swift concurrency, powered by Metal. | last month | 341 | async-awaitimage-processingswift |
Agrume 🍋 A lemony fresh iOS image viewer written in Swift. | last month | 815 | carthagecocoapodsimage |
Rainbow Delightful console output for Swift developers. | last month | 1857 | consolelogoutput |
GraphQL The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux | last month | 939 | graphitigraphqlswift |
stts Description stts helps you monitor the status of various cloud services.With a click of the menubar icon, you can see the status of your favorite services. You can also be notified when a service g | last month | 536 | appcloudmacos |
AKSideMenu Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift | last month | 281 | aksidemenucarthagecocoapods |
Monolingual Remove unnecessary language resources from macOS. | last month | 527 | macosswiftutility |
SourceKitten An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit. | last month | 2310 | |
Pageboy 📖 A simple, highly informative page view controller | last month | 1991 | iospagesswift |
matomo-sdk-ios Matomo iOS, tvOS and macOS SDK: a Matomo tracker written in Swift | last month | 388 | hacktoberfest |
Sessions Safari extension to save your working sessions | last month | 151 | osxsafari-extensionutilities |
uPic Description Simple and powerful, uPic is dedicated to being a great helper for your writing and communication.⢠No ads, millisecond start⢠The simple and beautiful interface, supports dark mode | last month | 3469 | aliyun-ossamazonamazon-s3 |
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project | last month | 7083 | cicligenerator |
time Robust and type-safe date and time calculations for Swift | last month | 2325 | calendarcalendar-apicalendars |
Messenger Open source alternative communication platform. | last month | 4824 | |
Chatto A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift | last month | 4489 | |
TPInAppReceipt Reading and Validating In App Purchase Receipt Locally. | last month | 643 | asn1catalystcocoapods |
MonitorControl 🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs. | last month | 28141 | applebrightnesscontrol |
Swift-Macros A curated list of awesome Swift Macros | last month | 2204 | appleprogrammingswift |
FHIRModels Swift library for FHIR® resource data models | last month | 180 | fhirswiftswift-package-manager |
ChatLayout ChatLayout is an alternative solution to MessageKit. It uses custom UICollectionViewLayout to provide you full control over the presentation as well as all the tools available in UICollectionView. It | last month | 898 | chatchat-applicationchatui |
OneWay A Swift library for state management with unidirectional data flow. | last month | 87 | architecturestate-managementswift |
swift-snapshot-testing 📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing. | last month | 3810 | screenshot-testingsnapshot-testingswift |
trailer Description This is the iOS version of Trailer for the Mac, an app for tracking and getting notified about GitHub and GitHub Enterprise pull requests, issues, comments, assignments, and merges, acr | last month | 1170 | githubgithub-apiios |
Device Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift. | last month | 1705 | carthagecocoapodsios |
DITranquillity Dependency injection for iOS (Swift) | last month | 424 | dependency-injectiondidi-container |
Latest A small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use. | 2 months ago | 3164 | appcocoamacos |
VisualEffectView Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱 | 2 months ago | 1146 | appleblureffects |
MultiSlider UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizontal. | 2 months ago | 494 | multiple-thumbsmultisliderrange-picker |
TrueTime.swift NTP library for Swift and Objective-C. Get the true time impervious to device clock changes. | last year | 590 | iosntpntp-client |
ReactiveAPI Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit. | last year | 79 | apiclientios |
mongodbapp The easiest way to get started with MongoDB on the Mac | last year | 521 | mongodbswift |
IDZSwiftCommonCrypto A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift. | last year | 478 | |
RxKeyboard Reactive Keyboard in iOS | last year | 1609 | ioskeyboardrxswift |
XLPagerTabStrip Android PagerTabStrip for iOS. | last year | 6987 | carthagecocoapodsios-libraries |
AutoMate Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests | last year | 288 | automationiosswift-framework |
UIColor-Hex-Swift Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string. | last year | 1244 | |
Shiny Iridescent Effect View (inspired by Apple Pay Cash) ✨ | last year | 811 | animationappleapple-pay |
Cluster Easy Map Annotation Clustering 📍 | last year | 1275 | annotationsapplecarthage |
Unshaky A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard [not actively maintained] | last year | 3026 | applebutterfly-keyboarddebounce |
CodableCSV Read and write CSV files row-by-row or through Swift's Codable interface. | last year | 463 | codablecsvcsv-parser |
CalendarView An Easy to Use Calendar for iOS (Swift 5.0) | last year | 600 | calendarcalendar-componentcalendar-view |
YouTube-Music :musical_note: A Mac app wrapper for | last year | 2775 | macmacosmusic |
AlamofireObjectMapper An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper | last year | 2664 | |
Cartography A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift :iphone::triangular_ruler: | last year | 7338 | |
Bender Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood. | last year | 1796 | appleconvolutional-neural-networksdeep-learning |
UIFontComplete Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS | last year | 1328 | uifont |
JNDropDownMenu Swift version of | last year | 64 | |
DL4S Accelerated tensor operations and dynamic neural networks based on reverse mode automatic differentiation for every device that can run Swift - from watchOS to Linux | last year | 103 | autogradautomatic-differentiationconvolutional-neural-networks |
SwiftIcons 🎢Swift Library for Font Icons - ★ this library | last year | 804 | dripiconsfont-awesomefont-icons |
iOS-Depth-Sampler Code examples for Depth APIs in iOS | last year | 1185 | |
Pokemon-Go-Controller play pokemon go safely or at unavailable area | last year | 2472 | |
MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation A custom paging behavior that peeks the previous and next items in a collection view | last year | 358 | cellcollectionviewcollectionviewlayout |
Anchorage A collection of operators and utilities that simplify iOS layout code. | last year | 632 | |
ActiveLabel.swift UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift | last year | 4475 | activelabelswifttwitter |
ferno Vapor Firebase Realtime database provider | last year | 71 | firebaseswiftvapor |
ResponseDetective Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. :male_detective: | last year | 1954 | debuggingiosmacos |
RedditOS The product name is Curiosity, a SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS Big Sur | last year | 3957 | macosredditswift |
JSONExport JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite lan | last year | 4808 | |
GenericDataSource A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView in Swift. | last year | 133 | clean-codecomposable-componentsdatasource |
iSimulator iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator, and manage the app installed on the simulator. | last year | 1151 | appsimctlsimulator |
DBMetaballLoading A metaball loading written in Swift. | last year | 70 | iosloading-animationsswift |
CountryPickerView A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps. | last year | 506 | countrycountry-informationcountry-list |
Mockingjay An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift | last year | 1491 | |
QuickActions Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions (App Icon Shortcuts) | last year | 254 | force-touchiosquickactions |
AttributedTextView Easiest way to create an attributed UITextView (with support for multiple links and from html) | last year | 441 | attributedstringlinksparagraph-styling |
TvOSSlider TvOSSlider is an implementation of UISlider for tvOS. | last year | 44 | |
RazzleDazzle A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros. | last year | 3358 | |
YetAnotherAnimationLibrary Designed for gesture-driven animations. Fast, simple, & extensible! | last year | 518 | |
IHProgressHUD A clean and lightweight progress HUD based on SVProgressHUD, converted to Swift with the help of Swiftify. | last year | 281 | activity-indicatorcocoapodshud |
AsyncLocationKit 📍async/await CoreLocation | last year | 188 | async-awaitconcurencyframework |
BluetoothKit Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE | last year | 2278 | bluetoothbluetooth-low-energycarthage |
Splitflap A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications | last year | 1079 | splitflapuikit |
VerticalCardSwiper A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView in Swift. | last year | 1402 | animationcardscollectionview |
McPicker-iOS McPicker is a customizable, closure driven UIPickerView drop-in solution with animations that is rotation ready. | last year | 213 | animationinputviewios |
LinearProgressBar A simple Linear Progress Bar for IOS (Swift 3.0), inspired by Material Design | last year | 150 | |
pull-to-refresh #Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh' | last year | 1831 | collectionviewespulltorefreshinfinite-scroll |
TagListView Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift. | last year | 2648 | |
ZamzamKit A Swift package for rapid development using a collection of micro utility extensions for Standard Library, Foundation, and other native frameworks. | last year | 270 | |
FileProvider FileManager replacement for Local, iCloud and Remote (WebDAV/FTP/Dropbox/OneDrive) files -- Swift | last year | 67 | dropboxdropbox-apifilemanager |
Presentr Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS | last year | 3070 | alertanimationios |
SwiftDate 🐔 Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift. | last year | 7638 | datedate-formattingdate-time |
BuildTimeAnalyzer-for-Xcode Build Time Analyzer for Swift | last year | 4310 | analyzerbuildcompile-time |
ReCaptcha [In]visible ReCaptcha v2 for iOS | last year | 269 | googlereactiverecaptcha |
Carlos Beschreibung Was die WELT Edition ausmacht:365 Ausgaben pro Jahr, täglich ab 19 Uhr ⢠Lesen Sie schon abends die digitale Zeitung von morgen ⢠Nachrichten, Analysen und Kommentare von unserer | last year | 644 | appscacheios |
SYM A crash log symbolicating Mac app | 一个图形化的崩溃日志符号化工具 | last year | 595 | crash-reportscrash-symbolicatingdsym |
Hue :art: Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need. | last year | 3504 | colorgradienthex |
fearless-utils-iOS fearless-utils-iOS | last year | 7 | |
Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds A List of Awesome Swift Playgrounds | last year | 4219 | appleapple-playgroundawesome |
SwipeMenuViewController Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController. | last year | 1287 | animation-librarycarthagecocoapods |
RangeSlider A simple range slider made in Swift | last year | 368 | |
StatusAlert Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts. It is well suited for notifying user without interrupting user flow in iOS-like way. | last year | 846 | accessibilityalertapple |
Reusable A Swift mixin for reusing views easily and in a type-safe way (UITableViewCells, UICollectionViewCells, custom UIViews, ViewControllers, Storyboards…) | last year | 3003 | |
RangeSeekSlider RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider. | last year | 755 | iosswiftuikit |
SimpleAlert Customizable simple Alert and simple ActionSheet for Swift | last year | 398 | customizableiossimplealert |
SlideMenuControllerSwift iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift. | last year | 3402 | |
camerakit-ios Library for iOS Camera API. Massively increase performance and ease of use within your next iOS Project. | last year | 695 | |
Localize-Swift Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching | last year | 3080 | |
openfoodfacts-ios Description News: We invented the collaborative scanning app in 2012. As we turn 10, weâre reinventing it from the ground up!This app lets you find food that's good for you and good for the plane | last year | 357 | crowdsourcingfoodfood-additives |
AutoCompleteTextField TextField with smart suggestion for email inputs | last year | 65 | carthagecocoapodsemail-suggestion |
Money A precise, type-safe representation of a monetary amount in a given currency | last year | 914 | currencydecimalgyb |
SwiftLinkPreview It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images. | last year | 1374 | carthagecocoapodscrawler |
emojica A Swift framework for using custom emoji in strings. | last year | 106 | emojiemojioneemojis |
TermiNetwork 🌏 A zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications. | last year | 99 | applecarthagecocoapods |
Gemini Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. | last year | 3252 | animation-3danimation-effectsanimation-library |
TableViewDragger A cells of UITableView can be rearranged by drag and drop. | last year | 536 | dragindexpathios |
privacy-redirect-safari Description A configurable web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Google Maps, Google Search, and Google Translate to privacy friendly alternatives.A fork of Simon Brazell's Chrome | last year | 168 | |
NetworkObjects Swift backend / server framework (Pure Swift, Supports Linux) | last year | 259 | |
ScreenMazer A macOS screensaver that procedurally generates a maze and then solves it | last year | 118 | mac-screensavermacosmaze |
FocusTvButton Light wrapper of UIButton that allows extra customization for tvOS | last year | 73 | |
Httper-iOS Description Httper is a REST API test app running on your iOS devices. It helps developers to test their REST APIs anywhere and anytime without desktop PC.Some features of Httper: 1. Developers can | last year | 417 | ios-apprest-apirxswift |
Willow Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift. | last year | 1351 | |
stripe Stripe library for Vapor | last year | 180 | cardpaymentstripe |
iGlance Free system monitor for OSX and macOS. See all system information at a glance in the menu bar. | last year | 2427 | batterycpufan |
BRYXBanner A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift. | last year | 1007 | |
hidden Description Hidden lets you hide menu bar items to give your Mac a cleaner look.Features: - Launch at login - Auto-hide after 5/10/15/30/60 seconds - Show/hide with global shortcut - Full menu bar | last year | 11526 | macosswiftutilities |
BeaconEmitter Description Turn your Mac into a beacon emitter. | last year | 981 | ibeaconmacosswift |
virgil-sdk-x Virgil Core SDK allows developers to get up and running with Virgil Cards Service API quickly and add end-to-end security to their new or existing digital solutions to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant | last year | 27 | carthagecocoapodscore-sdk |
virgil-crypto-x Virgil Crypto stack Objective-C/Swift | last year | 34 | cryptocryptographydouble-ratchet |
osx-status-bar-todo Simple macOS app to keep TODO-list in status bar | last year | 116 | |
Marshal Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any] | last year | 697 | apple-tvapple-watchios |
CostumeKit Base types for theming an app. | last year | 298 | carthagecolorsfonts |
BEMCheckBox Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box) | last year | 2629 | checkboxcheckmarkios |
curry-fire Fire for your iPhone | last year | 133 | animationiosobjective-c | Radically simple personal bootstrapping tool for macOS. | last year | 283 | configurationdotfile-managerdotfiles |
work-hours-mac Simple app that tracks your work hours from the status bar. | last year | 67 | macosmacos-appswift |
j2s A macOS app to convert JSON to Swift structs | last year | 231 | |
aws-sdk-ios-samples This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of the AWS SDK for iOS, you can get the SDK source on Github | last year | 1043 | awsios |
Macaw-Examples Various usages of the Macaw library | last year | 355 | animationiosmacaw |
fan-menu Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw | last year | 730 | animationiosmenu |
SwiftyUtils All the reusable code that we need in each project | last year | 556 | extensionsiosmacos |
SwiftyVK Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS | last year | 256 | ioslibrarylongpoll |
SwiftGoogleTranslate Lightweight framework for using Cloud Translation API by Google | last year | 100 | googlegoogle-cloud-platformswift |
SwiftRichString 👩🎨 Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce | last year | 3134 | attributedstringauto-layoutdynamic-type |
tracelog TraceLog is a highly configurable, flexible, portable, and simple to use debug logging system for Swift and Objective-C applications running on Linux, macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. | last year | 53 | cocoapodsdebugios |
Spring A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift. | last year | 14084 | |
ARHeadsetKit Using $5 Google Cardboard to replicate HoloLens | last year | 124 | augmented-realitydoccgoogle-cardboard |
FlexibleSteppedProgressBar Flexible Stepped Progress Bar for IOS | last year | 575 | |
SearchTextField UITextField subclass with autocompletion suggestions list | last year | 1150 | autocompleteautocomplete-suggestionsdropdown |
EasyTipView Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift for iOS. | last year | 3080 | |
EPSignature Signature component for iOS in Swift | last year | 797 | |
swift-badge A badge view for iOS/tvOS written in Swift | last year | 395 | badgeiosswift |
catch Catch: Broadcatching made easy. | last year | 432 | atombroadcatchermacos-app |
AVPlayerViewController-Subtitles Easy way to show SRT files on AVPlayerViewController | last year | 267 | |
SwipeableTabBarController UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs. | 2 years ago | 1545 | animationcocoapodsios |
Blueprints :cyclone: Blueprints - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts. | 2 years ago | 990 | flowlayoutioslayout |
Loaf 🍞 A Swifty Framework for Easy iOS Toasts | 2 years ago | 1094 | |
Prephirences Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. UserDefaults | 2 years ago | 573 | configurationiosios-swift |
iconizer Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless. Generate images for macOS and iOS app icons, launch images and image sets. | 2 years ago | 892 | appiconassetsgenerate |
fireworks Fireworks for UIView | 2 years ago | 340 | |
CHIPageControl A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl. Mady by @ChiliLabs - | 2 years ago | 3385 | cocoapodsibdesignableibinspectable |
KDCircularProgress A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift | 2 years ago | 1210 | |
ReadabilityKit Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift | 2 years ago | 832 | extractpreviewswift |
KMPlaceholderTextView A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift. | 2 years ago | 805 | placeholderplaceholdertextviewswift |
FlyoverKit 360° flyover on a MKMapView 🚁 | 2 years ago | 710 | 360degreemapviewmkmapview |
CoreDataQueryInterface A type-safe, fluent Swift library for working with Core Data | 2 years ago | 36 | coredatafluent-interfaceswift |
swiftquit Automatic quitting of macOS apps when closing their windows. | 2 years ago | 309 | |
EZAlertController Easy Swift UIAlertController | 2 years ago | 366 | |
Swifternalization Localize iOS apps in a smarter way using JSON files. Swift framework. | 2 years ago | 579 | |
SwiftCharts Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS | 2 years ago | 2532 | chartchartsgraph |
XCoordinator 🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern | 2 years ago | 2267 | coordinatorcoordinator-patternios |
NextGrowingTextView 📝 The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above. | 2 years ago | 1805 | carthagecocoapodshacktoberfest |
MenuItemKit UIMenuItem with image and closure(block) action | 2 years ago | 850 | |
MKRingProgressView ⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch | 2 years ago | 1568 | activityapplecircle |
Dwifft Swift Diff | 2 years ago | 1857 | algorithmdiffswift |
TBIconTransitionKit TBIconTransitionKit is an easy to use icon transition kit that allows to smoothly change from one shape to another. | 2 years ago | 1249 | |
Fakery :alien: Swift fake data generator | 2 years ago | 1793 | fakefakerylorem |
TableKit Type-safe declarative table views. | 2 years ago | 702 | autolayoutgenericswift |
Cards Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5. | 2 years ago | 4211 | cardsibdesignableios |
SwiftyJSONAccelerator macOS app to generate Swift 5 code for models from JSON (with Codeable) | 2 years ago | 945 | codeablehacktoberfestjson |
KWDrawerController Drawer view controller that easy to use! | 2 years ago | 157 | drawermenustoryboard |
later Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️ | 2 years ago | 1553 | appapp-managerdmg |
AMScrollingNavbar Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView | 2 years ago | 6050 | |
EasyAnchor ⚓️ Declarative, extensible, powerful Auto Layout | 2 years ago | 458 | anchorautolayoutconstraints |
DiffableDataSources 💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource. | 2 years ago | 853 | algorithmcollectionviewdatasource |
BetterSegmentedControl An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch. | 2 years ago | 2226 | carthagecocoacocoapods |
TKRadarChart A customizable radar chart in Swift | 2 years ago | 210 | carthagechartcocoapods |
TwitterTextEditor A standalone, flexible API that provides a full-featured rich text editor for iOS applications. | 2 years ago | 2985 | iosswifttextkit |
AnyLint Lint anything by combining the power of scripts & regular expressions. | 2 years ago | 115 | autocorrectionlint-checkregex |
TagCellLayout Made in Swift - Tag layout for UICollectionView supporting 3 types of alignments - Left || Centre || Right | 2 years ago | 358 | |
Drawsana An open source library that lets your users draw on things - mark up images with text, shapes, etc. | 2 years ago | 650 | asanadrawingios |
Hummingbird A macOS utility that makes window management a breeze | 2 years ago | 228 | |
Reactions Fully customizable Facebook reactions like control | 2 years ago | 584 | facebookreactionsswift |
tempura-swift Description Ready for the 30 Day Fitness Challenge? Start training today to see tangible results and get fit! New workouts, fitness plans, and exercises with HD video tutorial are now available.Get | 2 years ago | 719 | ioskatanamvvm |
TvOSCustomizableTableViewCell Light wrapper of UITableViewCell that allows extra customization for tvOS | 2 years ago | 31 | |
CollectionViewPagingLayout A simple but highly customizable UICollectionViewLayout for UICollectionView -- Simple SwiftUI views that let you make page-view effects. | 2 years ago | 2640 | animationblurcontroller |
ViperServices Simple dependency injection container for services written for iOS in swift supporting boot order | 2 years ago | 6 | dependency-injectioniosservice-container |
PieCharts Easy to use and highly customizable pie charts library for iOS | 2 years ago | 510 | chartgraphios |
XLActionController Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift | 2 years ago | 3326 | carthagecocoapodsios |
RxRestClient Simple REST Client based on RxSwift and Alamofire. | 2 years ago | 16 | alamofirereactivexrest |
Promis The easiest Future and Promises framework in Swift. No magic. No boilerplate. | 2 years ago | 108 | futuresgenericspromises |
PredicateFlow Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate. | 2 years ago | 101 | autogeneratedcocoapodscode-generation |
ReactiveArray An array class implemented in Swift that can be observed using ReactiveCocoa's Signals | 2 years ago | 53 | |
ViewMonitor ViewMonitor can measure view positions with accuracy. | 2 years ago | 727 | |
androidtool-mac One-click screenshots, video recordings, app installation for iOS and Android | 2 years ago | 5427 | |
CleanroomLogger CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant | 2 years ago | 1324 | |
CSwiftV A csv parser written in swift conforming to rfc4180 | 2 years ago | 171 | |
DrawerKit DrawerKit lets an UIViewController modally present another UIViewController in a manner similar to the way Apple's Maps app works. | 2 years ago | 781 | animatoriosios-swift |
Attributed µframework for Attributed strings. | 2 years ago | 755 | attributedlabelattributedstringattributedtext |
UnsplashKit Swift client for Unsplash | 2 years ago | 191 | api-clientphotosswift |
AnimatedGradientView 🎞 Powerful gradient animations made simple for iOS. | 2 years ago | 454 | hacktoberfest |
CoronaTracker Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts | 2 years ago | 1543 | coronaviruscoronavirus-trackercoronavirus-tracking |
PMSuperButton 🔥 PMSuperButton is a powerful UIButton coming from the countryside, but with super powers! 😎 | 2 years ago | 725 | animationsbuttonclosure |
PMAlertController PMAlertController is a great and customizable alert that can substitute UIAlertController | 2 years ago | 2523 | alertbannerdialog |
AKMaskField Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field | 2 years ago | 346 | |
DropDownMenuKit UIKit drop down menu, simple yet flexible and written in Swift | 2 years ago | 302 | controldropdowndropdown-menu |
app-downloader Easily search for macOS apps from the `homebrew cask` app catalog. | 2 years ago | 338 | homebrewhomebrew-caskmacos |
devdocs-macos An unofficial DevDocs API Documentation viewer for macOS. | 2 years ago | 465 | desktop-appdevdocsdeveloper-tools |
BlockiesSwift Unique blocky identicons generator for Swift | 2 years ago | 64 | blockiescarthagecocoa |
GestureAI-CoreML-iOS Hand-gesture recognition on iOS app using CoreML | 2 years ago | 156 | coremlcoremltoolsdeep-learning |
PFColorHash Generate color based on the given string. | 2 years ago | 27 | |
SwiftyTextTable A lightweight library for generating text tables. | 2 years ago | 319 | carthagecocoapodscommand-line |
Notarize Notarization status monitoring tool for macOS, supporting multiple developer accounts. | 2 years ago | 112 | altoolappapple |
SimplePDF Create a simple PDF effortlessly. :smile: | 2 years ago | 253 | |
IBAnimatable Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable. | 2 years ago | 8671 | animationinterface-builderios |
PKHUD A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8. | 2 years ago | 3794 | |
wallpapper :computer: Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer | 2 years ago | 3323 | dynamicdynamic-wallpapersmacos |
pilgrim Dependency injection for Swift (iOS, OSX, Linux). Strongly typed, pure Swift successor to Typhoon. | 2 years ago | 63 | appsquicklydependency-injectiondi |
BlueCap Description BlueCap provides CentralManager and PeripheralManager Bluetooth LE functions and implementations of some standard GATT profiles and implementations of profiles for the Texas Instruments | 2 years ago | 716 | bluetooth-beaconsbluetooth-low-energycarthage |
SideMenu Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less. | 2 years ago | 5693 | carthagecocoapodsmenu |
Fisheye Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player. (HTY360Player is renamed to Fisheye) | 2 years ago | 2101 | 360videoiosobjective-c |
Preheat Automates prefetching of content in UITableView and UICollectionView | 2 years ago | 627 | |
PixelKit Live Graphics in Swift & Metal | 2 years ago | 885 | graphicsioslive |
bugsnag Report errors with Bugsnag 🐛 | 2 years ago | 39 | error-handlingserver-side-swiftstso |
Iconology Description Easily import, modify, and export iconsâall 100% free and open source.Features- Exports - Xcode (Generates JSON for dragging folder right into Xcode) - iOS - MacOS - Message | 2 years ago | 129 | developmenticonsmacos |
SPStorkController Now playing controller from Apple Music, Mail & Podcasts Apple's apps. | 2 years ago | 2741 | alertanimationapp |
Leviathan Leviathan is an iOS and macOS client application for the Mastodon social network | 2 years ago | 40 | iosios-appios-swift |
SwiftCurrent A library for managing complex workflows in Swift | 2 years ago | 307 | catalystcocoapodsios |
react-native-onfido React Nativo Onfido Package | 2 years ago | 4 |