Free, open-source, and privacy-friendly Dutch weather prediction app
MIT License
NLWeer is a simple open-source and privacy-friendly Dutch weather app for Android (5.0 or newer). It is free both as in free lunch and as in freedom. Weather information is provided by KNMI or optionally by Buienradar, see the about screen in the app for more information.
Compared to other weather apps for the Netherlands (e.g. Buienradar), here are some reasons to use NLWeer instead:
* It is open-source and can be customized/improved by anyone if needed
* It does not nor never will display commercial advertisements
* It does not require any permissions (except for GPS if explicitly requested)
* It is very lightweight and battery friendly
* It does not require the Google Play Services
Features of NLWeer:
* Includes weather maps as well as a written weather report
* Includes weather information from multiple sources
* Three options for localisation: manual lon/lat coordinates, mobile service provider, or GPS
* Includes a precipitation prediction graph on your current location