
{tlhIngan Hol boQwI'} ({boQwI'} for short) is a lexicon dictionary for the Klingon language ({tlhIngan Hol}) and a tool for analysing the grammar of Klingon words and sentences. This repo holds the Android app.

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    Apache License 2.0

    tlhIngan Hol boQwI' / Klingon Language Assistant is a lexicon dictionary, canon search tool, and grammar analyser for the Klingon language ({tlhIngan Hol}) devised by Marc Okrand for Star Trek's warrior race, and spoken by characters on The Big Bang Theory and Star Trek: Discovery. It can parse Klingon grammar and serve as an aid in Klingon-to-English translation. However, it is NOT a general-purpose English-to-Klingon translator. You will need to know some Klingon already to make use of it for that purpose.



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