RSSAid is a complementary app for RSSHub built with Flutter | RSSAid 是一个由 Flutter 构建的 RSSHub 的辅助 App


MIT License

<i>RSSAid</i> is a client app for RSSHub. <a href=''>RSSHub</a> is an open source project to generate RSS links for websites that don't support rss, then you can use the rss link in your own RSS reader to subscribe.

You can deloy the RSSHub service on your own server or use the free service provided by the project author. What <i>RSSAid</i> does is simple: it is just a tool not a RSS reader, you input a link like, then <i>RSSAid</i> can generate the RSS link according to RSSHub rules and base url (RSSHub service hostname).



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