
Android application to manage your Medusa/SickRage installation


Apache License 2.0

ShowsRage is an application that allows you to manage your

<a href="">SickRage</a> installation.

Support for <a href="">SickBeard</a> (or any other variant) is not

guaranteed, but the main features should work properly.

ShowsRage intend to provide the same features as on the web interface, packed

inside a modern and easy-to-use Android application.

The following features are currently available:

* Support Android 4.0.3 and up

* Based on <a href="">Material Design</a>

* Shows information: list, get info, list seasons and episodes

* Shows management: add, pause/resume, change quality, delete

* Episode management: search, set status, stream, list coming

* Logs

* Shows statistics

* Update SickRage (requires SickRage 4.0.30)

The dependency on Google Play Services has been removed in this binary, but this

prevents Casting from working.



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