
All-in-one Android app for RSS, BitTorrent dl & play. MVI arch, Material You style. ⭐️ Star to support!


GNU General Public License v3.0

AniVu, an all-in-one tool for RSS subscription and updates, bit torrent downloads, and video playback.

AniVu utilizes the MVI architecture and fully adopts the Material You design style. All pages are developed using Android View and Jetpack Compose.

<h3>💡 Features</h3>


<li><strong>Subscribe to RSS</strong>, Update RSS, <strong>Read</strong> RSS</li>

<li><strong>Automatically update RSS</strong> subscriptions</li>

<li><strong>Download enclosures</strong> (enclosure tags) of <strong>torrent or magnet</strong> links in RSS articles</li>

<li><strong>Seeding</strong> downloaded files</li>

<li><strong>Play media enclosures or downloaded videos</strong></li>

<li>Support variable playback <strong>speed</strong>, setup <strong>audio track</strong>, <strong>subtitle track</strong>, etc</li>

<li><strong>Double-finger</strong> gesture to <strong>rotate and zoom</strong> video, <strong>long press</strong> to speed up playback</li>

<li><strong>Swipe</strong> on the video to <strong>control volume</strong>, <strong>brightness</strong>, and <strong>playback position</strong></li>

<li><strong>Searching</strong> existing <strong>RSS subscription content</strong></li>

<li><strong>Play other videos on the phone</strong></li>

<li>Support <strong>custom MPV player</strong></li>

<li>Support <strong>import and export</strong> subscriptions via <strong>OPML</strong></li>

<li>Support <strong>dark mode</strong></li>





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