
A Material Design Weather Application

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    GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

    Breezy Weather is a free and open-source Android weather app, forked from Geometric Weather, adding new features, sources, modernizing code, fixing bugs, updating dependencies for security reasons, etc., while keep having a smooth user and developer experience in mind.

    In the app, you'll find:

    - Real-time weather conditions (temperature, feels like, wind, UV index, humidity, dew point, atmospheric pressure, visibility, cloud cover, ceiling)

    - Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days (temperature, air quality, wind, UV index, precipitation, sunshine, feels like)

    - Detailed hourly forecasts (humidity / dew point, pressure, cloud cover, visibility)

    - Precipitation in the next hour

    - Air quality, allergen and ephemeris information

    - Severe weather and precipitation alerts

    The app has a strong focus on design, with a simple, clean UX, smooth animations, and Material Design all over, plus lots of customizability:

    - Automatic dark mode

    - Custom icon packs

    - Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information

    - Live wallpaper


    Available worldwide weather sources:

    - Open-Meteo

    - AccuWeather¹

    - MET Norway¹

    - Pirate Weather¹²

    - HERE¹²

    - Météo France¹

    - Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI)¹

    Available only-national weather sources:

    - Mixed China sources¹

    - National Weather Service (NWS)¹

    - Bright Sky (DWD)

    - GeoSphere Austria

    - Environment and Climate Change Canada¹

    - Israel Meteorological Service (IMS)¹

    - SMHI¹

    - MET Éireann¹

    Available secondary weather sources:

    - WMO Severe Weather Information Centre¹

    - Recosanté

    - ATMO AuRA¹

    ¹ Sources not libre/self-hostable are not included in versions with suffix _freenet

    ² Requires an API key



    - Network (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, INTERNET): fetch weather data from sources over the Internet


    - Background services (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, WAKE_LOCK, SET_ALARM, FOREGROUND_SERVICE, FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC, FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SPECIAL_USE): weather updates in the background and scheduled forecast notifications

    - Ignore battery optimizations (REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS): help preventing the app from being killed on some devices

    - Send notifications (POST_NOTIFICATIONS): alerts, precipitation, today/tomorrow forecast, notification-widget, update progress of background updates, etc

    - Location (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION): to show weather in your current location

    - Storage (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): helps setting the live weather wallpaper and/or widgets on some devices

    - Tile (EXPAND_STATUS_BAR): allow to launch the app from Quick Settings


    - GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

    - This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or logos of any Contributor.

    - Misrepresentation of the origin of that material is prohibited, and modified versions of such material must be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version.



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