An app to filter blue light and automate it.
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Apache License 2.0
Night light is an open-source app which uses KCAL to adjust blue light intensity
of the display colors, so that viewing the screen at dark becomes pleasant for
the eyes, and help you fall asleep faster (this is what science have proven
* Uses KCAL to adjust blue light intensity.
* Easy to use color controls.
* Color intensities.
* Sophisticated automation.
* Create and apply profiles with one click.
* Tasker plugin integeration.
* Great UI.
* Kernel supporting KCAL.
* Root access.
* Location - It is used to determine sunset/sunrise times for your location. (Your location info isn't shared, your privacy is maintained)
* Internet - It is used to determine approximate location (when exact location is not available) to determine sunset/sunrise times for your location.