
IPFS node monitoring for Android & ChromeOS


<i>Sweet IPFS</i> is forked from https://f-droid.org/packages/org.ligi.ipfsdroid, which was

experimental. This app is currently in beta stage, not all features are

implemented, but the most important is. Feel free to test it and review it.

If you find a bug or have problems with this app, you can contact me with

the email provided on the GitHub page.

<i>Sweet IPFS</i> targets end-users and developers in order to make IPFS (and

decentralization) an everyday standard. Its main goal is to be used as a

file sharing app. For that, it provides a file chooser, QR codes, and a

browser. To go even faster, you can upload a file or a text directly from

any app by simply sharing it and choosing <i>Sweet IPFS</i>.

At the current point, battery and network usage depends a lot on your phone

and your Android version, and may be high. I am working on this in order to

provide the best experience and an everyday usage.



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