
Calculate score of the boardgame "KingDomino", supports the "Age of Giants" and "La Cour" extensions


<b>Top menu buttons</b>


<li>Warnings (only displayed when at least on warning): check board for anomalities</li>

<li>AG : Activate / Deactivate the Age of Giants extension</li>

<li>Shield : Select / Unselect quests<ul>

<li>Two quests maximum can be selected at a time.</li>

<li>There are more queets when Age of Giants is activated</li>

<li>The number of quests activated are displayed in a red bubble</li>



<li>5 / 7 : change the size of the board. Changing the size of the board reset all tiles</li>

<li>Trash : Reset the board</li>

<li>About : Display author and license</li>



<p>The score is updated as each change on the board.</p>

<p>In portrait mode, tapping the score display the calculation details. </p>

<b id="bottom-menu-buttons">Bottom menu buttons</b>

<p>Each land type has it&#39;s own color :</p>


<li>Yellow : Wheat</li>

<li>Light green : Grassland</li>

<li>Dark green : Forest</li>

<li>Water : Lake</li>

<li>Grey : Swamp</li>

<li>Brown : Mine</li>

<li>Blue grey : Empty</li>

<li>Castle : Place your castle.</li>


<p>The castle position may change the score when quests are activated.</p>

<p>Long press the castle button opens the color select dialog (this is optional and never changes the score).</p>


<li>Crown : Place / remove crowns</li>

<li>Giant (when Aog is activated) : Place / remove giants.</li>


<p>Long press on the giant button displays the giant details :</p>


<li>how many crowns points are lost per property</li>

<li>how many quests points are lost (or gained in case of bleak king quest)</li>

<li>total points lost due to giants</li>

<li>the score you could had have without giants

the score you could had have without giants</li>




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