This is a simple password generator for the android operating system.

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    GNU General Public License v3.0

    <h1 id="valentins-powertools-002---passwords-to-remember">Valentin’s

    PowerTools #002 - Passwords to remember 🔑</h1>

    <h2 id="vpt-002-pwg">VPT-002-PWG</h2>

    <p>Welcome to <strong>Passwords to Remember</strong> - the second

    installment in the Valentin’s Power Tools (VPT) series! :sparkles: This

    tool generates strong, yet human-readable, pronounceable, and memorable

    passwords that adhere to common password-making rules. No more

    struggling with strong passwords where you have to memorize and type

    each character individually. Most Passwords from this PWG are easy to

    remember and even to pronounce (speak). With <strong>Passwords to

    Remember</strong>, you’ll have strong passwords at your fingertips in no


    <h2 id="features">Features</h2>


    <li><p>🔒 <strong>Strong Passwords</strong>: Generates strong passwords

    with a mix of characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase

    letters, special characters, and numbers.</p></li>

    <li><p>📋 <strong>Clipboard Integration</strong>: The generated password

    is automatically copied to your clipboard for seamless use in various

    applications and websites.</p></li>

    <li><p>🖥️ <strong>Local Operation</strong>: Nothing is saved, and

    nothing is sent.</p></li>


    <h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>

    <ol type="1">

    <li><p>Simply click the “Generate Password” button, and a strong

    password will be instantly generated for you.</p></li>

    <li><p>The generated password will be automatically copied to your

    clipboard, ready to be pasted wherever you need it.</p></li>

    <li><p>You can customize the length of the password and include/exclude

    special characters as needed. (by only selecting a part of the password

    and copying it manually)</p></li>


    <h2 id="license">License</h2>

    <p>This project is licensed under the <strong>GNU General Public License


    <hr />

    <p>Created with ❤️ by <a




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